Sunday, December 22, 2019

Roy Blunt perpetuates theory that President Trump hasn't actually been impeached

President Donald Trump says he has not been impeached since the articles of impeachment have yet to be transferred from the House to the Senate.

The theory has been spread in recent days by people trying to draw attention to themselves and curry the favor of Trump and his supporters.

Locally, KZRG even linked to an alt-right website that pushed the theory.

Make no doubt about it. The president has been impeached.

In all likelihood. Sen. Roy Blunt knows that, but he went along with the concept this morning on the CBS program Face the Nation, though he used one of the president's normal tactics, saying that other people were saying it.

When the program's host, Margaret Brennan, asked Blunt if she agreed with Trump's statement that he hasn't actually been impeached, Blunt did not dare say anything that might bring a tweet from the president.

Well, I've actually heard some constitutional scholars suggest that you're not impeached until the House sends the articles over. I don't know that it's a distinction worth arguing about. The House will send the articles over.
Blunt used the same approach later when talking with Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president.

Well, I think the people that listened to it that should know and hear a lot of these calls have generally said there was nothing wrong with the call.


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Anything that is done down party lines isn't legitimate. Pelosi's actions following the "impeachment" only cement the fact that this is all about damaging Trump before the 2020 election.

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    No, it is about waiting for Moscow Mitch to set the rules for the Senate trial. Read some informative news or read up on past impeachments where the Senate sets the standards. No witnesses and telling everyone they agree with the person on trial before it starts is not worthy of trying to hold an honest trial. Like trying to hold an honest election when you greet and encourage an outsider to help:hint Russia, with your campaign. Damage the President; that is so laughable it is not even funny, when he has done so much to so many. Maybe tell the women he has molested over the years, his ex/present wives with his cheating, working with known felons, cheating on his construction contracts and his general use of low grade guttural language on anyone disagreeing with him. This is not someone that should be elevated to any position except that of one with a number on his chest and a nice outfit of black and white stripes.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    No worries about Missouri rethuglicans! They're all in for the Mango Moron and his kkklan of kriminals!

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Democrats are the most delusional group of people.
    By acting as if asking the Ukrainian president for certain actions to be met before aid is released and those actions being assisting in investigating corruption, Dems are saying that all you have to be is involved in politics and you can do what you want without fear. If the Biden did use his position to help place his son in a high paying job that he wasn't qualified for, he needs investigated. His son admitted his name for him the job. Biden is on record, voice recording, admiting to holding aid until a prosecutor in the Ukraine was fired. But because he wasn't acting against a possible political opponent, this is all ok and the sitting president has no business investigating it? This is all perfectly logical. If your political rival is in office, you are untouchable.

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Keep bailing Jethro!


    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Bailing? Did I post something that wasn't true, Angel? Or are they just things that liberal heads can't get around?
      I will assume that you are one of those free thinking people who see no issue with Joe Biden using his position to benefit his kids while finding it outrageous that Trump's kids have benefited from his. Hypocrisy to the highest most illogical degree. But "defend" it by calling names. Real intellectual powerhouse, aren't you?
