Thursday, January 16, 2020

Billy Long on impeachment managers: They hate President Trump, so they are unable to be objective

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Rep. Billy Long (MO-07) released the following statement on the appointment of the impeachment trial managers:

After 28 days, the House finally voted on a resolution appointing and authorizing managers for the impeachment trial of President Trump. 

"I voted against this resolution because I believe that the managers named by Speaker Pelosi have repeatedly demonstrated their hatred for President Trump and are therefore unable to be objective. 

In the months leading up to impeachment and all throughout the hearings, Speaker Pelosi and her cohorts insisted that this was an ‘urgent’ matter, yet these articles have collected dust on her desk for nearly a month. 

In an effort to justify her actions, the speaker has claimed that she wanted to ensure that the trial was ‘fair’ which is incredibly ironic given the highly-partisan witch hunt House Democrats led. 

For the past few months, House Democrats have attempted to remove a duly-elected president from office by any means necessary, and the American people are understandably sick of it. 

It is time for the American people to hear all of the evidence House Democrats previously withheld, and I am confident that Leader McConnell will give them that opportunity by conducting a fair and transparent trial.”

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