Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Joplin Globe definition of breaking news- Neosho story covered by Turner Report four days earlier

I am always on the edge of my seat when I see that notification in my e-mail that the Joplin Globe has a "breaking news" story.

I received one earlier this evening and I was right, it was definitely a good story of much interest to the people of Neosho.

It was a story written by staff member Joe Hadsall revealing ths at the Missouri Attorney General's office had ordered Neosho city officials to undergo training in the Sunshine Law after they conducted city business via text messages and e-mails.

That was worthy of a "breaking news" designation.

And I was kicking myself. Why didn't I send out "breaking news" notices when I revealed that information- FOUR DAYS AGO.

I am hearing that the Globe will be publishing a breaking news story tomorrow revealing that the Kansas City Chiefs will be playing in the Super Bowl...and that Len Dawson is looking forward to playing the Vikings.


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Or the Turner definition of a breaking news story.....copy and paste from other news sources and pawn it off as your own. Leave your apartment once in awhile and maybe you will provide something authentic.
    Not defending the Globe here....I'm not a subscriber, but any legitimate news source has to actually do a little digging and verify sources before running with it. Good thing for bloggers and gossip sites that you can post nearly anything, true or not, and not have consequences.

  2. You have left this kind of comment before.

    I should mention that when I copy and paste a story, I do not pass it off as my own, as you are fully aware. I always say where the information comes from and when it is a news release it is printed as such.

    Apparently, you prefer the method used by the Globe and some area newspapers, which take news releases, run them as is or close to it, adding only "from staff reports." Now that is copying and pasting and taking credit for someone else's work.

  3. Anonymous1:47 PM

    The Glub is probably doing about the best they can with what is left.
