Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Paul Richardson: Don't call me Prepper

I am not certain, but the trend may have passed for the moment.

I don’t see the shows on any of the channels on Dish Network displaying those who are actively prepping for a doomsday experience.
All the attention and pre-occupation with this activity seems to have subsided.

I can’t put my finger on the exact moment this happened, but I suspect that it has to do with whomever is occupying the White House.

If the White House is occupied by someone labeled as a liberal, the very vocal and active extreme, and I mean extreme, conservative moves to the front promoting their solution in the event that they never regain their voice.

If the opposite is true, the very vocal and active extreme, and I mean extreme, liberal moves forward promoting their solution for a change that will swing the pendulum in spiraling motion that they desire.

So, when the trend was current that included prepping for Armageddon, a zombie apocalypse, an absolute doomsday, or the ever looming political situation where every faction of our Federal government is held at the 100% level by only one party, some referred to our household as being preppers.

We are not preppers. The good wife keeps a bountiful pantry, well stocked with the things that we like.

Never mind the few cases of MREs that I purchased and keep on hand. Those are for extreme emergency purposes only. You know, like Armageddon, a zombie apocalypse, doomsday, or total occupation of our government by one party. I can’t put my finger on how that last one is going to require the consumption of MREs, but what the hey.

During a gathering over the Christmas Holiday, we ran out of tea. Oh, the inhumanity of the situation! This past week the good wife made a trip to Aldi’s in order to stock up on tea. A lot of tea was purchased. The trip also produced some 100% pure maple syrup which was purchased. I like real, pure maple syrup.

Upon trying the maple syrup this morning, it was decided that she needed to return to the store and get more of this marvelous maple syrup. This particular store will get items in that have a one-time run so quick action is required. Once this purchase is complete, we will have an ample supply of tea and 100% pure maple syrup.

So, as we roll into 2020 the news is already taking form and is flush with activity that may cause portions of the population angst. In the event of Armageddon, a zombie apocalypse, doomsday or mass insanity, our household will always have high tea and we will be pouring 100% pure maple syrup on our cakes!

As you should have surmised by now, we like to eat and eat well. So, don’t call us preppers, but always call us for supper………or breakfast, or lunch. Keep in mind that we like tea and if you are having cakes or waffles, 100% pure maple syrup.

(Paul Richardson's column, The Horse I Rode In On, is published weekly in the Neosho Daily News, Seneca News-Dispatch, Aurora Advertiser and on the Turner Report.)


  1. I thought I was the only Pepper around 😅 you like soup I have soup to nuts & then some 😊

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    As usual, good entertainment and advice. Since those 18 months in VN I have been a peanut butter addict. The stuff the Army had was in green cans and oil on the surface that would choke a rat. Same with our "old Milwaukee" beer cans, still made with steel sitting out in sun and monsoons and gave a boost to our tetanus shots due to the rust on rims of the cans. Probably should not complain as we had beer available.

    I got home and went to store with my mom and almost cried, walking down the aisle where over half of it, it was long too, were various brands of peanut butter and the other half was various kinds of pickles. She did not fully grasp the situation of her son almost crying in the store.
