Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Republican teacher/public school supporter makes the argument on why Betsy DeVos needs to go

In this video posted on the National Education Association, a veteran teacher and Republican explains the importance of public schools, shows how Betsy DeVos is ill-equipped and unqualified to be Secretary of Education and also makes a case to elect a different president who understands the contributions public school education has made for this country.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    This is not really news as such as many knew and were sure that DeVos had no right to be in this position due to conflict of interests and total lack of any rudimentary knowledge of what education should or could be. But, alas, so are about 90% of Trump appointees in this administration. It is payback for campaign donations and not knowledge in the appointed positions. In fact that should be one of the impeachment amendments that it is a form of nepotism of the highest degree. Of course, then in Missouri we have our beloved representatives list of Smith, Long, Graves and well, all of them that have no conscience or intelligence to serve in the positions they hold.
