Saturday, January 18, 2020

Turner Report exclusive: Complete transcript of every town hall Billy Long has ever held

(Note: Billy Long took office in January 2011 and has never held a town hall meeting.)


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    No surprise there. The party does not want him out there making mistakes he would obviously make when asked off the cuff questions. When was the last time we saw Blunt, Hawley, Graves or the others make a presence to an open town hall for any length of time? He/they all should be going to colleges and universities where intelligent and thoughtful persons might be there to ask questions why(?) the republicans snub the lower 90% of the populace and accommodate the corporate interests so readily.

  2. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Who knew chickens could be so loud and fat?

    Bok bok

    Bok bok

    Whether or not they are experts on free trade and boxes of imported nails.

    Bok bok

    Bok bok

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Really Missouri, just look at this person you elected to represent you, have you no shame. It is a total embarrassment for this person to be able to hold one of the highest offices in our country and make rational, informed and reasonable decisions.
