Monday, February 17, 2020

Ben Baker supporters can't decide if I am Satan, a sad, little man or a liberal knucklehead

I breathed a sigh of relief when I read on Rep. Ben Baker's Facebook page that I was "alive and well," but I was puzzled by another part of the statement.

Where did the commenter get the idea that my name is Satan?

And that was one of the kinder comments.

Within minutes of the publishing of a Turner Report post Saturday detailing how the Neosho Republican and author of the Parental Oversight of Libraries bill reported a death threat to Capitol Police in Jefferson City, then less than an hour later made it appear that he had received multiple death threats, Baker felt a compulsion to respond.

Usually I keep silent and let them go, but this time I won’t. 
Here we have another fake “news” blog from Randy Turner. I guess he never thought that one person can make multiple threats. I’ve included a screenshot in the comments that shows another threat made toward me and my family (posted on a recent family picture) by the same individual. 
It literally hurts my heart for this to be in a forum where my children can read, but it needs to be said. 
It’s absolutely disgusting that Randy is so obsessed with me that he spends his time trying make it look like I would lie about death threats for political gain. 
I had another threat reported just yesterday from a Satanist. For this blogger to suggest that I’m enjoying this side of politics is sickening and it’s simply not acceptable.
And people wonder why it’s so difficult to get good people to run for office.

I could nitpick and say Baker left an impression that multiple people were threatening him, but I won't. I have a tendency to believe in documents and the capital police report referred to it as a threat.

The screenshot Baker posted showed a comment that was vile and disgusting, no doubt about it. 

The man who called himself Ricky Jamieson on the fake Facebook account, called Baker and his family "a bunch of repulsive swines," and "his disgusting little piglets" and added, "Hope you all die a slow and painful death."

Why someone would think that is acceptable is hard to fathom. I am sure it comes much easier when you are allowed to hide behind anonymity.

It was horrible, it was repulsive and it was indefensible.

It wasn't a death threat.

It was constitutionally protected free speech.

You cannot threaten to kill someone, but hoping someone dies a slow and painful death, as wrong as that is, is not a crime.

I have posted comments on this blog from people who made similar comments about me. If someone made an actual death threat against me, I would report it. On the other hand, I have a lot of people, apparently more after my post Saturday, who wouldn't mind if I suffered "a slow and painful death."

Baker's response, as you might expect, drew a Hallelujah chorus of people who are quick to stand up against the bully from Joplin.

The highlights (with some of them followed by my responses):

"Liberal knucklehead."

"Sad little man, pitiful, actually to stoop that low. They are usually people so far out of his league he claws at them to try to bring them down in to his pit. Stand firm, Ben. And when you’ve done all you can do, stand."

"Randy Turner is vile. He always has to have somebody to bully and pick on."

Apparently, I am bullying politicians. Only in Neosho does it seem that someone feels threatened by it.

"I am reminded of the scripture “If God be for us, then who can be against us?” Keep standing for what’s right! The devil won’t win. I thank you for your stand!"

Here we go with that devil stuff again.

"Such a trivial thing for Randy Turner to focus in on. Well, you know we’ve got your back Ben! And the front yard too!"

"I’m sorry that you have to put up with this type of harassment."

It certainly is harassment when people report on what politicians are doing. We should just leave politicians alone and let them spend the taxpayers' money is peace.

Everyone knows who he is and what he's about, many like me rarely read his material. Shining a light on his small view of the world serves no good, let him live in darkness.

That's no way to talk about Joplin.

"I'm so sad you and your family have to go through this. You are doing good work and you have many supporters throughout the state. Thank you for standing by your beliefs and defending parents."

Turner is a pos.. all if his writings are vomit inducing.

That one really hurts. I know I had at least one post last week that didn't induce any vomit.

Ben Baker, I wouldn’t waist my time on Randy Turner. It’s OBVIOUS that he is reaching, at best, for a story that even HE CANT PROVE. If any dad in America received a threat like you did and not see the importance of the 2nd Amendment to protect his wife and children cant really call himself much of a dad. Keep up the good work and keep an extra clip in your back pocket too. We need you in Jeff city:)

Consider the source. Definitely NOT worth the grief over him of all people.

Don't let him drag you down to his level. He's clearly desperate to remain relevant and thinks if he clings to dissing you, it will boost his street cred with progressive leftists. He's not worth your acknowledgement or exposure.

And Randy can’t figure out why he can’t get a legitimate job in journalism or teaching.

Your Faith is a real threat to their satanic freedom! Women WANT to kill their unborn, Homosexual WANT to have Political Support and have sex with children, some want us to loose our guns rights (real ignorance!). STABD Brother, you have MAY MANY supporters who love you and pray for you every day! We need HUNDREDS more like you in Politics today!

It is that last statement that is certain to convince more people to pray.

After reading the article from Randy I can understand why he is no longer a school teacher. He does not support the best interests of children.

That was one comment that drew a response from Baker.

"He was actually fired for providing obscene materials to children as a teacher."

No. Rep. Baker, I wasn't. 

That was the accusation that was made against me by another public figure who cloaked himself in sanctimonious displays of faith.

The accusation was that I had provided copies of my novel No Child Left Alive to my approximately 150 students. During my hearing, school officials admitted they had not found even one student who had even heard of the book. And no one come forward in the past seven years to refute that. I also made copies of the complete transcript of that hearing available.

In the board's decision, it specifically said there was no evidence I had done anything immoral. The reason they finally found to get rid of me was that I promoted my book on my blog and my Facebook and Twitter pages which were open to the public, which supposedly provided an opportunity for children to buy the book and be exposed to its evils.

That has not stopped the former superintendent from continuing to make that claim. Apparently, he is the only person from a public school that Rep. Baker ever believed about anything.

Rep. Baker ended his Facebook update Saturday with a comment that also deserves a response.

And people wonder why it’s so difficult to get good people to run for office.

It's a great thought, but how in the world does this apply to you?

I would also like to respond to another comment on Baker's post.

A real journalist reports the news and doesn't include thier own bias in it. If anything he probably just lost himself subscribers.

I am not certain that some of those who commented have any idea of what "a real journalist" is. My blog is labeled as news and commentary. I provide both and my readers are intelligent enough to know which is which.

Perhaps it will happen, but I have not lost one subscriber due to my post about Ben Baker. But thanks for reminding me.

For those who think it is important to report and offer commentary on elected officials, as well as local news and free obituaries, or you just want to irritate Ben Baker, feel free to subscribe or contribute any amount large or small at the PayPal buttons below or by mailing the contributions to Randy Turner, 2306 E. 8th, Apt. A, Joplin, MO 64801.

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  1. Anonymous1:41 PM


    You allege someone made the following false statement about you?

    "He was actually fired for providing obscene materials to children as a teacher."


    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Isn't that what happened?
