Sunday, February 09, 2020

Ben Baker to Breitbart on library bill: Drag queen story hours grooming our kids for the LGBTQ community

Upset with the way the "fake news media" has treated his Parental Oversight of Libraries bill, Rep. Bill Baker, turned to his idea of legitimate news media- Breitbart, to explain the bill, which has drawn nearly universal opposition across the state, even in Baker's home area.

The Neosho Republican, of course, has an answer to that- everyone who disagrees with him is "leftist."

The only problem with that logic is that after you call everyone leftist, the ones you are stuck with are the ones who are left.

Try to get out of that one.

In the Breitbart article, Baker explained his reasoning for his bill:

“I simply don’t think our taxpayer dollar should be spent funding events or materials that are intended to groom the next generation for the LGBTQ community,” Baker told Breitbart News, adding:

"The bill would give oversight through a parental review board to make determinations of what should be available to children. No books would be banned or censored (something the media has tried to say I’m trying to do) they simply would not be available in the section that is for children. Parents could still check them out and provide to their child if they chose to do so. I think this bill is important to the people I represent because it will help protect our children from the propaganda being paraded in front of them in publicly funded venues."

As usual, Baker is hiding what his bill basically does.

That explanation fails to mention that his bill calls for a parental board to be formed at one public meeting, which a taxpayer has to attend in order to have his or her vote counted.

After that board, most likely a group of committed activists looking to label anything that does not meet their definition of decency, is put into place, not only would librarians not be able to overrule its decisions, but neither could the elected library board, or in some cases, the library board that is appointed by elected officials.

Those elected library boards and those officials are selected during elections by all of the voters who choose to participate in the election and where the polls are open for 13 hours and not for one or two hours at a time when many people have work or have activity conflicts and cannot make it.

Librarians and library boards are already keenly aware of their communities. They do not need a second board to protect children from anything that might offend Ben Baker.

Baker's comments to Breitbart continue to make it clear that he wants to disguise his bigotry as protection of children. People with a broader knowledge of history than Baker seems to possess are fully aware that the type of panel the Neosho Republican advocates is similar to those that have been used throughout the ages as steppingstones to censorship.

Of course, it is hard to take a bill regulating public libraries seriously when it comes from someone whose idea of  a legitimate news source is Breitbart.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I pretty much agree with you Randy. I wish everyone so concerned about what children are exposed to would have righteous indignation every time there’s a headline about a child being physically or sexually abused. The damage to children is much more significant , even deadly. Bakers energy in protecting children would be much better spent protecting them from abuse.

  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Ben Baker is starting to sound like a "closet" case.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Ben got a real power-bottom energy going on.

  4. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong...seems like Brother Ben spends a lot of time thinking about sex and so forth,,,kind of like with this priest:

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Is anyone else getting a Rick Santorum vibe here? Kind of self sanctimonious with a smirk? (I'm asking for a friend!)
