Thursday, February 27, 2020

Billy Long says Republicans will retake the House and that he's "joined at the hip" with President Trump

According to Seventh District Congressman Billy Long, not only will President Donald Trump be re-elected in November, but when Trump begins his second term, he will be greeted by Republican control of both houses.

In an interview with Missourinet, Long explained how his party would regain control of the House:

“We only need to pick up 20 seats, and there’s 34 seats that congressmen have right now, Democrat congressmen, that are in districts that Trump won back in 2016,” says Long.

 Long said he thoroughly expects to be re-elected in November.

“President Trump is going to do really well down there (southwest Missouri) and I’m kind of joined at the hip with the president,” Long says. “So we’ll kind of ride together, I think, to re-election.”


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    It's good to know these things.

    I had always suspected that Billy was joined at the brisket to Dolt 45.

    I stand corrected.

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Confidence that the Great Orange Fart Cloud has things fully improving in every way is soaring like the stock markets due to the appointment of Vice President Pence to competently offer thoughts and prayers if the coruna virus lies don't work!

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I will not vote for you ever again! You must condone the corruption that is being perpetrated by the President and the Republicans which has divided this country. I only vote for people who are honest and have integrity! So since you are “joined at the hip” with the President, you can go down with the ship, so to speak, with all the other rats that follow him blindly!! I say good riddance, I think you will find that not everyone In Missouri is a Republican!

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    There’s an old saying in southwest Missouri—I know it’s in northwest Arkansas, probably in southwest Missouri—that says,"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

    And that happy fed-up and dumb little piggie said


    All the way to the next Las Vegas fundraiser!

  5. Why don’t you try holding town halls once in awhile and listening to your constituents instead of always heading off to Vegas!!!!
