Thursday, February 06, 2020

Josh Hawley: I'm proud to say I voted to acquit President Trump - send me money

(From the Josh Hawley Campaign)

Democrats have used impeachment as a weapon in their vendetta against the president. 

They have abused the rules, fundamental fairness, and the Constitution. All because they will not accept the outcome of the 2016 election. 

Yesterday this circus came to an end, and I’m proud to say that I voted to acquit the president.

Today, I would like to thank President Trump for mentioning how hard I fought to end the Democrat's charade. I am proud that my colleagues and I stood strong, and that we never backed down from what we knew was right.

President Trump originally endorsed me for Senate because he knows that I will continue to fight for our values, for our freedoms, and for the Constitution. He has faith that as your senator, we will have a great future. Send a message that you stand with that vision of the future by donating to Team Hawley today.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    MO money, crooked little weasel who would sell his country for a few bucks, wait, he sold our state out to run for senate. Way to go Missouri citizens, so blind it is beyond description

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    “Hoes can be hoed out, players can be played out, but pimp is for life”—The Pimp Phenomenon as Strategy of Identity Formation
