Thursday, February 27, 2020

Josh Hawley: Show the world you reject Bernie Sanders by sending me money

Josh Hawley is scared by the prospect of a socialist, Bernie Sanders, becoming a president.

Hawleys' solution to that problem- Send him money for his re-election campaign.

That will put the fear into Bernie.

Radical Democrats have tried to override the Constitution by removing our president, and now, they have a socialist ready to run against President Trump. The threat of socialism has never been closer to becoming a terrifying reality.

Fortunately, there’s still time to tell liberals that we will not surrender our liberties to their radical ideas. My team has set a goal of raising $10k by the end of the month in order to show that hardworking Americans reject the poisonous direction Bernie Sanders wants to take our country in.

Every donation is another voice saying NO to socialism.


If we continue working together, we can remove the stain liberals left on our Constitution and move our country toward the prosperous vision our forefathers intended.

Thank you for your continued support.


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Every American should be scared of Bernie the communist.

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I am glad that the president had a conference today with the dynamic duo Diamond and Silk! It is clear that vice president Pence now has the corona virus hoax under his thumb!

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Jim Baker wanna be. God bless the Mo. GOP for electing this Goober.

  4. Anonymous4:47 AM

    He should go on the Jim Baker show and it's right there in Branson. God bless the Mo. GOP for electing this Carnival Barker.

  5. Anonymous2:24 PM

    How is his request for campaign contributions any different from Democrats flipping the coin over? They all do this.

  6. Carolin Hixon12:13 PM

    Dear Senator Hawley, Donald John Trump was impeached for overriding the constitution and for trying to ride roughshod over congress. Am I to think you are as ignorant of the constitution as he appears to be or that you are knowledgeable enough of the constitution to understand his willful disregard of it and partisan enough to support him despite his malfeasance? In any case, your decisions as Senator and your posting this undignified and backhanded appeal for money have guaranteed you will receive neither money nor re-election support from this Missouri voter.
