Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Macy's to close 125 stores- will Northpark Mall location be on the list?

Already reeling with the closing of Sears, Joplin's Northpark Mall could lose another anchor store as Macy's, which already announced closings of stores last year, will close an additional 125 stores over the next three years.

The stores will be "underperforming" stores and no list has been released.

The company is also eliminating 2,000 jobs over that period.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    so much winning that Joplin can be proud of and so soon after the Great Pumpkin gave his Grate State Of The Union Speech


  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I predict they combine the 2 stores as an attempt to save it from leaving, which needs to happen anyway.

  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    @11:38 So Sears is, and Macy's possibly could close soon. I think I'll blame this on Trump. (As you login to Amazon)

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Almost 300,000 jobs added in January, must be Trump's fault. TRUMP 2020!

  5. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Here are the facts:

    1. Joplin's retail market grew at a rate that outpaced the growth of it's population and discretionary income.
    2. The area casinos continue to suck up more and more of the area's discretionary income leaving less money to be spent within our community.
    3. Online purchasing continues to grow resulting in fewer and fewer purchases at brick and mortar establishments which results in less foot traffic which malls requires.
    4. More online purchases means less sales tax revenues which means there is less and less funding for public services; street maintenance, fire and police, etc...

    Unfortunately, the closure of retail operations is a simply a corrective action caused by market conditions. While some will miss these retailers, everyone will impacted by the decrease in sales tax revenues and the public services which will need to be reduced or eliminated. Uunless Joplin finds a way to bring more dollars into the city from outside the market area, this will be the harsh reality that we all will share.

  6. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I haven't shopped at Macy's since shortly after the 2011 tornado when I needed to replace everything. Their clothing was wildly overpriced for the cheap construction and weird sizing and the "sales" with exclusions of 90% of their merchandise convinced me to just ignore their stores since. Sorry for those losing their jobs but won't miss Macy's any more than I'll miss Sears.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Trump is far behind the pace needed to fulfill his campaign boast that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” At this rate he will not even come up to the gains made during Obama’s final term. The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 191,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during the four years before he took office.
