Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Missouri Senate Republicans: Forget the will of the people, we're doing things our way

Missouri Senate Republicans, apparently assuming 62 percent of state voters did not know what they were doing when they passed the Clean Missouri Act last year, passed Senate Joint Resolution February 10 to force Missourians to vote on it again with changes made that are more to their liking.

If that does not work, perhaps they will try it again next year.

After all, what's a little gerrymandering among friends?

The vote was 22-9 with area senators Bill White, R-Joplin, and Ed Emery, R-Lamar, voting for the resolution.

1 comment:

  1. R. W. Nutjob10:59 AM

    Can someone remind me why we elect these wretches? Oh, yeah, to do the will of the people. I guess we will have to start voting for the other guy now. Maybe that'll learn 'em.
