Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Paul Richardson: Fear sucks, so let's ride

Conditions seem extremely tumultuous on every front whether political, climate change, foreign governments, Corona virus and impeachment trials. But hey, I survived the 1960’s as a youth.

That was a decade filled with race riots, the Vietnam War, Vietnam War protest, atomic bomb drills in the public schools, the culturally impactful hippie movement, the Cuban Missile Crisis, shooting deaths of prominent leaders, the Cold War and more. 

I can’t associate an exact year, but I believe that it was 1963 that on the northeast side of the square, next to curb on the inside of the square, a mock missile had been erected. It may have been during a summer event, sidewalk sale, county fair time or some other event, but there were displays around the square and this missile. I do recall that some of the displays were from vendors in the business of selling and installing fallout shelters. I was afraid, very afraid and fear sucks.

In fact, most of the 1960’s I was uncertain as to whether or not that I would get to finish high school, attend college and probably most importantly ever make it to an age where I would be able to date the girls. Things did have their priorities. But I made it, as well as everyone around me. 

The 1970’s came, the Vietnam War ended, political and international tensions began to cool, but there were still the propagators of fear. The fear they generate is real and fear sucks.

Every leap year brings them out. Propagators of fear will dominate the news for the next several months. People who are convinced that if those of opposing views win, everything is lost. Expounding on the concept that only they can fix the problems and provide a future where all will be safe. 

The tool that they use to motivate us to see their point of view is often based on a fear of the other side. Hand-wringing pundits that have now expanded to even attacking those that are supposedly on their side or at least claim to be cut from the same cloth. Now we fear everyone on both sides and fear sucks.

Like the 1960’s we will make it through this. I do have some tools that I use to maintain my sanity and control my anxiety. Unfortunately, I have not been able to utilize the main tool for several weeks now. I have been dealing with a vision issue, but this should be resolved within the next 24 hours as my new contacts are scheduled to arrive. 

Without these contacts I can’t drive and certainly can’t ride, so the bike has been parked and I am experiencing PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome). 

The good wife has been chauffeuring me around for weeks now. Riding as a passenger floods me with an entirely different type of fear and fear sucks. The coming days have a forecast that contains moderate temperatures, so goodbye Corona Virus, impeachment trial, Iran threats, political debates, solution: let’s ride.
(Paul Richardson's column, The Horse I Rode In On is published weekly in the Neosho Daily News, Seneca News-Dispatch, the Aurora Advertiser and on the Turner Report.)

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