Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Watch President Trump deliver the State of the Union Address live


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I wonder if he will give Rush Limbaugh his Medal of Freedum live? The ratings could be huge since

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Flush Rush!


  3. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Here's a facebook group for you, God Emperor Trump 1,2 and 3. Have fun.

  4. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Democrats were a disgrace to themselves and America. What a sad representation from a group that calls themselves Americans.

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I just hope that a picture of Trump is hung in the Capitol building down in the boiler room and not in the same hallway or viewing area as Washington, Jefferson, FDR, Kennedy or Lincoln. What a shame that visitors from another planet would be blinded by his presence. As to 10:13 I cannot offer any thoughts as I am sure your past family members were good Americans who believed that honesty, compassion and devotion to what is right was their creed.

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    As to 10:13...plenty of descendants of former Johnny Reb secessionists and there is a reason the stars and bars is popular in murrika...so there is no reason to assume the past family members were good Americans. Just like all the murrikans who fought the Axis in WWII and then joined the KKK and got right to klukkking. Not my idea of good Americans.

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    9:53...your jibberish ramblings are a waste of keystrokes. Try being succinct and coherent if you want to be taken seriously. Here is an idea...if you don't like this country, simply leave. Do you think you present as a good American?

  8. Anonymous10:47 PM

    @9:53 Umm, those were Democrats. Just sayin'.
