Monday, March 30, 2020

Kansas City Star: Ed Emery dangerously short of facts on COVID-19

In an editorial published today, the Kansas City Star slammed Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, for the column he wrote about COVID-19 last week.

In the column, Emery said stay-at-home orders and social distancing are unnecessary.

The editorial also criticizes Emery's contempt for the relief package approved by Congress.

Orders that regulate movements and private enterprise during the pandemic aren’t about individualism or collectivism. They’re about life, or sickness and death.
We stay at home to stop the spread of the virus and save lives, but it only works if others stay home, too, if they can. 
The virus is largely spread by personal contact. This is a community crisis, and a community-wide effort will be the only thing that ends it. Emery’s ill-informed broadside, and others like it, undercut that understanding and will inevitably make more people sick.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Two out of two idiot leftist scribblers agree: Let's all panic and destroy the economy because . . . well panic. Panic enables you to have your way.

    No one is making you or the KC Red Star go outside to play.

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Two out of two RWNJs (right wing nut jobs) agree that the proper way to deal with a virus is to go to the gun store to buy more guns and ammo. They talk about panic but have their own panic over misplaced fears that the US is turning to communism. National healthcare like the rest of the industrialized countries in the world doesn’t sound so stupid now do it? Maybe it won’t when you lose your insurance because the company you work for displays common sense in shutting down for more than 30 days. Calm down, Yosemite Sam, no one has shut your world down yet.
