Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mayor says no stay-at-home order for Joplin- We're going to continue to do business as we have been

The City of Joplin will not be enacting a stay-at-home ordinance, Mayor Gary Shaw said during a COVID-19 briefing this morning at City Hall, but city staff are working on one "so we have it if we need it."

"Right now, we are going to continue to do business as we have been doing recently," Shaw said.

The mayor said he had been received considerable input from city residents about a stay-at-home or shelter-in-place ordinance. "There's a lot of concern.

"Fifty percent are for it and 50 percent are against it."

Shaw read the White House guidelines suggesting social distancing and said the city would continue to follow those guidelines as well as those issued by Gov. Mike Parson.

Among others, Richard said he had been consulting with former Joplin Mayor and Missouri Sen. Ron Richard, Jasper County Presiding Commissioner John Bartosh and Rep. Cody Smith, R-Carthage, who heads the House Budget Committee.

Shaw said every citizen "should use common sense."


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Shocked Pikachu face.


  2. Ironic he follows it up and then says people should use common sense.

  3. Read Isaiah 26_20 on this day of 3/26/2020

  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    No, it's cool. Let's wait until it's too late. Worked out well for every other place that's done it.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      You have the ability to shelter in place. You don't need the major to tell you to do so.

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    There are a lot of people who don't take this serious enough. Too many people don't follow the 6ft distance. People drive down streets like it's the Daytona 500 and this is in neighborhoods. More people should stay home and not be out so much. I go to work and home or to the store and home. I don't abuse the 6ft rule but I work with people who don't seem to care.

  6. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Why Declare a State of Emergency and then only establish a Guideline of Groups of upto 50-People - - We have to Combat this Caronavirurs by Isolating ourselves and staying at home and away from Crowds and Other People.

    As always Joplin – NEVER – Gets it Right! The State of Missouri is on a “Lock Down” as is most Cities in Missouri - - Why does our Mayor Assume that the Caronavirurs is not in Joplin – He is an Idiot - - With 3-Deaths in Springfield – does he not – THINK – that Joplin being only 60 Miles Down the Road that it cannot be in Joplin. People are walking around with this Virus - - Because of not being able to be Tested – Most Medical People would Question – the Level of this Stupidity of allowing upto 50-People to Help Spread this Virus.




    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      It will probably take one of these officials family members getting this or one of them dying from it for them to shut things down.If it doesn't affect them then it doesn't matter

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      No more than 10. Been that way for over a week. That's why all the restaurant closed their dining rooms. If you're gonna criticize make sure you know the facts.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      For someone who can't spell you are really calling him an idiot? Sure you don't have to agree with his descision, but personally attacking someone is just immature. If he had put the oder into place, there would be another immature person calling names. Sheesh!

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    The mayor has chosen business over lives.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Just like our President.


    2. Lindsay8:21 PM

      I hope you're not one of the ones holding your hand out for that stimulus check, since you think our president is sad. Smh

  8. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Is there any chance the Mayor has common sense?

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Finally someone is making an independent decision. It has been a barrage of people making emotional decisions. If you look at the statistics, they are improving but no worse than typical flu season statistics. As more people take the test (and are negative), the positive rates will go down. That has more to do with more availability of testing and not just testing the "sickest". Be cautious, wash your hands, don't stand too close to others when you can, cover your cough and make an effort to be aware of your surroundings.


    1. Thank you for displaying this example of common sense!

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Yes! Stay-at-home orders will do nothing more than had already happened - businesses are closed. You cannot mandate that people don't go out to purchase necessities, take care of the elderly or go to essential jobs. From these comments, you'd think they are asking for Marshall Law.

    3. Anonymous12:06 AM

      Except they are still going out. People are hosting parties and gatherings. These same people are then possibly exposing those of us only going out for essentials. You cannot just hope people have commons sense. Those who are younger think that we cannot get it so therefore they dont care.

  10. Good luck, folks.

    Seriously, we're gonna need it in truckloads.

  11. Anonymous2:09 PM

    He can pretty much say goodbye to his political career.

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The problem is people don't have/use common sense!!

  13. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Well I guess we know he won’t be getting re-elected.

  14. For everyone panicking and trashing this... If he is proven right, will you be willing to admit (at least to yourself) you were wrong?

    1. id be glad to. if he is wrong id he going to admit it? lol....

  15. Anonymous2:34 PM

    We are advised to use common sense by someone who obviously has none!

  16. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Has this man not seen what happened/happening in New York? Is he not even consulting healthcare?

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Might as well. People won't follow it anyway. Then they'll want to cry and act shocked that our country is in such deep shit. Common sense isn't very common, apparently.

  18. So much for being proactive. Look how it's spreading all around us! You think it won't happen here? IT WILL HAPPEN HERE. He's being completely irresponsible with the lives of everyone in the city. Lock it down. Save as many as possible.

  19. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Stop trying to hand over all our rights, people! Thank you, Mayor!

  20. Anonymous3:28 PM

    And until you do issue stayhome order those cosmetologists who are self employed can't get unemployment.

  21. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Absolutely the most foolish thing they could do. Ridiculous! When your loved dies from this AND YOU WILL HAVE LOVED ONES DIE FROM THIS, remember WHO thought it would be fine to enforce NOTHING

  22. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I kept saying walls needed to be built. Plumb near all around Joplin and every time some complainer complained!

  23. Anonymous4:02 PM

    How many health care professionals or scientists did he confer with??
    This has nothing to do with taking your rights away!! It is about saving lives and one of them might be yours!!

  24. Anonymous4:12 PM

    He will not get my vote! Let’s wait until half of Joplin is sick and hospitals over run them lets y’all about it. Think about lives not your wallet. Our mayor and city counsel are not to bright.

  25. What citizens were polled for your 50/50 split? I don’t know of anyone who was contacted.

  26. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Dollars over Lives. Seems to be a common political theme. Age is no longer a factor with this virus. Proactive is safer & more successful than reactive.

  27. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I have no faith in Joplin using common sense. Teenagers hang out in the stores like it's all a big joke. It's not a joke. People are dying all alone in hospital rooms and family can't even be with their loved ones.

  28. Seriously!? The safety of my family depends on people in Joplin using common sense!? I get people don't want to be locked down but there is no other way that this is going to end. This is not the time to be afraid to act, just put out the order like all of the other cities around us are doing and get this over with.

  29. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Seriously you all complaining really need someone to tell you to stay at home? Those that aren't won't even with the order.
    Have you seen the list of "essential employees" most cities have? It's a pretty long list of jobs. Even with stay at home orders those people go to work because they are "essential" and if you are staying at home I suppose you should have nothing to worry about.

  30. Its sad that this is being said. Having a little one at home and a job that will give me points if i stay home unless we are on a stay at home order... Just hope my little one doesnt get this because I cant afford to lose my job...

  31. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Joplin has been behind in acting since the start. This decision is wrong. Especially when it could save lives.

  32. It should be noted that Joplin does not have a strong mayor form of government. The day-to-day operation of the city is handled by the city manager, whose job is to follow the policies provided to him by the City Council.

    The mayor is an elected city council member who then is elected to serve as mayor by his or her fellow council members. The mayor generally serves as more of a spokesman and good will ambassador for the city and is the voice of city government during times like this.

    He cannot make a decision on his own to issue a stay-at-home order. That has to be done by a majority vote of the City Council.

  33. Anonymous10:12 PM

    People are too stupid to care for themselves or have objective thoughts regarding anything. Federal officials should step into cities like Joplin and force their hand since half of the people are not educated enough to review the information we have, or to look at analytics and understand that this is serious enough for them to... I don't know... not go to Walmart to buy flip flops. Most people ALL OVER THE WORLD are working from home, are getting their groceries via pick up service or instacart. ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!! But in Joplin we say "We are stronger than a virus that spreads like wildfire and has shut down the world as we know it" Sounds terrible to say but, all you guys can hope for is that one of the city officials get its or one of their family members, then maybe they will help YOU! The citizens that elected them and whose taxes pay their salaries.

  34. The H1N1 hit Americans way worse than this has in 2009!!! Over 12,000 deaths!!! Nobody made a big deal about that!!! Nothing shut down!!! Hell we barley heard about the virus while it was active!! Calm down!!!!

  35. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Some people will have common sense. Some won't. Truth be told, most jurisdictions have tightened the screws a little too much. We now have data. This isn't going to kill school kids, not many. Why close schools?

    This isn't going to kill 20-somethings or 30-somethings. Not many at all. But I'll tell you what MIGHT kill all kinds of people, all ages, in all states around the country. Our response.

    We're going to kill people by taking their jobs and businesses, homes and cars away. By ruining their businesses. By ruining their finances and their marriages.

    At this moment Johns Hopkins says we have 9 dead Missourians because of COVID-19. There will be more. But the CDC says there will be 24,000 to 62,000 *influenza* deaths nationwide, and so far there's less than 1500 from this Wu-flu.

    So ... did we shelter-in-place in December, or January, or February? Did we close schools in October when flu season started? Did we close all the restaurants because of influenza, or shut down all the sports events? Did we require churches to not meet together in one place because someone might hug someone and they'd end up sick with some disease OTHER than SARS-CoV-2? No, we did NOT, and we seldom, if ever, have done so in the past.

    So, what have we done now to respond to this disease?

    We have just forcibly UN-employed **40,000** Missourians in March. We've caused some people to "lose" great sums of money in their retirement accounts, or their stock portfolios. We've closed a bunch of businesses, and some of these businesses will NOT re-open. And it's not their owners' fault ... they were going great guns in February. This will hurt people --- more people than this "pandemic" will. If we're lucky, there won't be 9 murder-suicides, or just "plain" suicides, or strong-arm toilet paper robberies that end with someone dead in Missouri. Or 1,500 in the entire country. But it wouldn't surprise me.

    If you kill enough people's jobs and businesses, it could get really dangerous, and I'm not talking about a cold that might give you pneumonia.

    It's a tough spot the mayor and council are in. No one wants to have to make these decisions. But we're starting to see that the "cure" is worse than the disease. It's wise to not shut down everything yet.

    1. Anonymous3:16 AM

      This virus has killed children, young adults, older adults and elderly. If you would actually do research you might know that. I don't like calling names, but only an idiot runs back into a burning building to save his money.

  36. maybe he should come down to louisiana and see how it explodes STAY HOME and away from other people

    James Seay
    Mamou La

  37. maybe God spoke to him...told him what to do
