Friday, March 27, 2020

No school through April 24 for Joplin R-8, officials explain how education will continue

(From Joplin Schools)

Joplin Schools is joining the many surrounding Southwest Missouri schools by extending our “Wellness Break” through April 24th.

During this extended leave, please know the district is prepared to offer learning opportunities and continue the current meal service pickups at all locations.


All grades will be final as of third quarter. Next week, students and parents can expect to be contacted by their child's teacher(s) regarding the platform (i.e. FB page, Google Classroom, Canvas, class website, email, etc.) they will use to communicate and share learning activities. 

Beginning the week of April 6th, students can expect to find weekly videos and daily learning activities through the teachers' preferred platform. 

These learning opportunities will continue weekly during this closure period or until the regular school calendar concludes. 

Teachers have worked collaboratively this week to determine a few essential learning standards so we can best focus our lessons for your child. 

We want to provide a healthy balance for learning opportunities and family needs, understanding priorities in each home will vary during this unprecedented time.


All grades will be final as of third quarter, but students will have the opportunity to improve grades for MSHSAA eligibility and those taking high school courses for placement. 

Next week, students and parents can expect to be contacted by their child's teacher(s) regarding the platform (i.e. FB page, Google Classroom, Canvas, class website, email, etc.) they will use to communicate and share learning activities. 

Beginning the week of April 6th, students can expect to find weekly videos and daily learning activities through the teachers' preferred platform. 

These learning opportunities will continue weekly during this closure period or until the regular school calendar concludes. 

Teachers have worked collaboratively this week to determine a few essential learning standards so we can best focus our lessons for your child. We want to provide a healthy balance for learning opportunities and family needs, understanding priorities in each home will vary during this unprecedented time.


All grades will be final as of third quarter, but students will have the opportunity to improve grades for high school credit and MSHSAA eligibility. Credit recovery will also continue.

Departments have chosen essential standards for the remainder of the year. They will push out lessons via Canvas beginning April 6th to enhance what has been learned and deepen understanding of already taught standards. 

Students will have the opportunity to complete any missing assignments for credit. Grades moving forward can be improved but not go down with the disconnect of not being at school.

Counselors are gathering information about all seniors and where they are with progress toward graduation. We will be making sure that all seniors will be on track to graduate.

Dual Credit and Advanced Placement courses are the only exceptions. These courses are earning college credit and must adhere to the guidelines of the college. Those classes are continuing as normal, but all online.

In addition, we have analyzed phone survey data and developed a plan to deploy devices for homes in need of technology who have Internet access. 

We will also be prepared to hand out hard copy packets at meal service pickup locations for families without Internet access beginning April 6th. 

We would ask hard copy packets to NOT return so we can eliminate contact as best as possible. You may use alternative methods (i.e. phone calls, screenshots) to share your child's learning with the teacher for feedback if desired.

We understand during these unprecedented times, learning will look very different. However, rest assured Joplin Schools is here to support your family in any way we can. As a district, we have two main goals: 1. Make sure our students, parents, and employees are safe and supported; and 2. Extend learning opportunities for all students.

As we continue to navigate these uncharted waters please know Joplin Schools is here to support our community. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

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