Thursday, April 23, 2020

Ben Baker compares COVID-19 to driving on Rangeline

In preparation for that inevitable day when Rep. Ben Baker attempts to capitalize on his growing lists of legislative successes (give him another year or two, it will start happening) by making a bid for the State Senate, the Neosho Republican appears to already be wooing the vote of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce.

"You have roughly the same risk of dying driving down Rangeline Road in Joplin as you do dying from the (COVID-19) virus," Baker said on his Facebook page today.

That could say more about Baker's driving skills than it does about Rangeline or COVID-19, but he was not done with his analogy.

"Do you choose to stay at home with that risk or not? It's your choice. Do we continue to destroy the economy and people's life work because of such a low risk possibility."

The comments came as a result of Baker's boast that he just got off the phone with Vice President Mike Pence.

As noted in the Turner Report Wednesday, his conversation with Pence was part of a conference call that Baker joined as a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a national group that has done everything it can to destroy public schools in favor of charter schools and vouchers.

Baker didn't mention that in his initial Facebook post, however, leaving the perception that he was the one talking with the vice president and conjuring up images of the two exchanging chocolate-layered cake recipes and discussing Baker's idea for a parents oversight committee to judge the appropriateness of Library of Congress materials.

Baker has been outspoken in his opposition to the statewide stay-at-home order, with his thinking appearing to be that COVID-19 is only a major problem in the big cities (where THOSE kind of people live) and there is no reason why the rest of the state should have to shut down.

In the same long paragraph in which he invoked the hallowed name of Rangeline, Baker echoed Sen Ed Emery, R-Lamar's recent column in which Emery said keeping people at home could lead to suicide.

"Here's another perspective...As unemployment approaches 20 percent, each one percent can result in 3.3 percent spike in drug overdose and one percent increase in suicides. If unemployment hits 32 percent, 77,000 Americans may die as a result. Will the economic fallout mortality be greater than the virus itself?"

Baker then notes that the above comments were "taken from Dr. Nicole Saphier, not the Rangeline part. Dr. Saphier won't drive there because it's too dangerous.

Saphier, who is a frequent Fox News contributor and is a legitimate physician, is also the person who recently suggested that one method that will need to be considered in dealing with COVID-19 is to take some of those who do not appear to be headed toward recovery off ventilators in favor of those who might have a better chance to live.

Now is that a pro-life message?

Maybe Baker can call his friend Mike Pence and find out.


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Here's the thing bro ben and all the rest of the trumpaloo assroots covid truthers have apparently not figgered out yet:



    Could it be that iffn it's not in bro ben's buybull it taint a fact in his mind?

    That's why these feckless wankers don't or won't realize that they can kill others by not following the scientifically based guidelines to help limit the spread of the infection.

    Then again- it's a well known fact that religious crazies do crazy things because their beliefs are based on their crazy so called prophets and wise men.

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Why doesn't Ben Baker quit jacking around and just reveal to us regular folks what God told him to tell us about the virus and how best to deal with it?

    Because isn't that how they do it?

  3. Auntie Screaming Karen11:03 AM

    8:49 AM = Another Screaming Karen

    It is so nice that you found another state rep outside your district to scream about and defame. Cynthia Davis was 300 miles away and around O'Fallon and dared to try to make educational reform part of her message. She's been out of the State Legislature for nearly a decade or so. Maybe Ben Baker will propose educational vouchers / achool choice for his Bible college, make it K-12, and watch you really go ballistic, Turner. That would be a hoot.

    The fact of the matter is that those nursing homes which closed their doors to outside infection had their patients waiting to die to go die of something else and those which didn't do a good job of limiting outside contact is where around 40% of the Covid-19 deaths took place.

    New figures from New York State show that ten times the number of people are infected and got over the Certificate of Vaccination ID -2019 (Covid-19) virus as were tested and didn't even know they got it. Thus the fraud and panic were over nothing. What should have happened was immediately quarantining the nursing homes and self-quarantining the people at risk and keeping the economy healthy. Instead of the panic which might finish off the economic base of this country as we know it.

    Ben Baker is wrong about his analogy about the Covid-19 virus and driving on Rangeline. Even if the fender-bender is a small one you know you have it whereas for 90 % of those who get this bug they don't even know they got it or they think they just caught a cold.

    Randy Turner is just another Screaming Karen wanting fools to read his idiot blog of, by, and for & about other idiots in the public sphere and buy his stupid dishonest books.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Thank you Dr. Anonymous 8:49.

  5. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Pretty good 8:49, I think you have been able to see the light and the light is not BEn Baker our esteemed intellectual challenged representative from Neosho. Don't forget to buy your AR-15 in case the virus stalks you. By the way, have you seen where Trump advocates UV light or drinking bleach water. As one person said "Even SNL could not come up with this one".

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I prefer to get all my virus and medical information from the Donnie Lysol show!

    He had an uncle at MIT!

    Sadly I heard the rumors that show may be going away soon.

  7. bleach and light inside the body sarcasm to nasty reporters6:10 PM

    One of the spotting features of the dangerously stupid is repetitive recurrence of the delusional belief that they have just found a great solution that the experts somehow missed.
