Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Ben Baker talks with Mike Pence- Shouldn't someone be screening the vice president's calls?

In a Facebook post earlier this afternoon, Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho, who has not been shy in sharing his opinion that it is time for Missouri to forget the stay-at-home order and reopen for business, revealed that Mike Pence agreed with him.

Mind you, Pence did not tell Baker that Missouri specifically should send everyone back to work, but from the former Neosho mayor's point of view, the big story wasn't that he agreed with the vice president, but that the vice president agreed with him.

Baker opened his Facebook post by saying, "Just got off the phone with Vice President Mike Pence!"

At first, this appears to be a cause of major concern.

Don't we pay enough in taxes to afford to have someone screen the vice president's calls? The next caller probably had a great deal on aluminum siding.

On reflection, it appears to have been a conference call and they will let just about anybody in on those.

Here's what Baker wrote:

Just got off the phone with Vice President Mike Pence! Here was his final statement... “We’re getting there and encourage you to use your voice in your state to encourage your constituents that we are making progress and by God’s grace we will come through this stronger than ever before.”

This was a call discussing the reopening of our country, and I applaud the Coronavirus Task Force Team and their understanding of our economy and focus on getting our states opened up again.

Mr. Pence agrees with me that states who have a trend of decline in cases, or areas with very minimal cases need to get back to business. He agrees that opening up county by county is smart and doable according to the data. Businesses can adapt to taking necessary precautions and open back up. We can simultaneously take into consideration health concerns and economic concerns.

Mr. Pence made the statement that they are looking to state governments to take the lead and begin the reopening process according to the data in their states.

It was encouraging to hear from our Vice President that even the hardest hit areas are on the decline now. Our hospitals have been able to handle the patients and no one who has required a ventilator has been denied a ventilator.


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    There’s an old saying in Missouri—I know it’s in Arkansas, probably in Missouri—Turds of a feather flock together!

  2. Anonymous5:38 AM

    You fool. They’re declining because people are staying home.

    The misinformation and half truths are making it worse.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    One effect of Trumpism: Heretofore shrewd politicians, who in the past could think a step or two ahead, rush to embrace the stupidest and most short-sighted (even just from the point of view of their own political prospects) talking points.


    Then there are the local yokels and goobers that never even managed to get on the turnip truck- much less to fall off the turnip truck!
