Monday, April 27, 2020

Joplin planning to reopen next Monday, only one person still under quarantine

The Joplin City Council will hold a special meeting later this week to finalize a plan for the reopening of the city Monday, May 4, Mayor Gary Shaw said during this morning during a COVID-19 briefing.

City officials are waiting to hear Gov. Mike Parson's plan for reopening the state when the stay at home order ends May 3. Parson is scheduled to unveil the plan during a 3 p.m. briefing today.

Shaw encouraged Joplin residents to continue social distancing and practicing good hygiene, since those things have helped Joplin to keep its number of coronavirus cases relatively low.

The mayor said there have been no new cases, with the total still standing at seven.

City Health Director Dan Pekarek said only one person remains in quarantine and the other cases have recovered.


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    If you believe that, personally I dont. The truth is nobody gets tested until they are ready to be admitted to the hospital. I think the actual number of those who have had this are much higher than reported. I personally know several people who were really sick for several weeks and one was turned down for testing and the rest didnt even get tested. Personally even with everything opened up I will not eat at a restaurant inside for awhile. I also will do my shopping at off peak hours to be a little safer. I hope everyone understands that and stays safe regardless of the mayors or governors order.

  2. Does anyone else think President Trump could be a text book illustration of a Cockwomble11:58 AM

