Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Missouri using Google technology to launch PPE marketplace

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Today, Governor Mike Parson announced the launch of a new tool developed by Google to help health care providers connect with Missouri manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (PPE).

“It’s vital that we keep our health care workers as protected as possible in the fight against COVID-19,” Governor Parson said. “Manufacturers across the state have answered the call to help protect our health care workers, and we are committed to doing all we can to get this equipment into the hands of those that need it.”

The new tool is a joint effort between the state and the Missouri Hospital Association. It was built to help manufacturers that have shifted production to PPE enter the health care market and connect with buyers.

Over the past month, the Department of Economic Development (DED) has gathered interest from more than 200 manufacturers and suppliers of PPE and invited all of these companies to register in the system.

Likewise, state health care agencies and the Missouri Hospital Association are reaching out to health care providers across the state to ensure they have access and can connect directly with suppliers through the new tool.

Expanding reserves of PPE by opening public and private supply chains is one of the four essential pillars of the “Show Me Strong Recovery” plan introduced by Governor Parson on April 17.

Missouri businesses interested in selling or manufacturing PPE can contact DED at


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Why not just have a Polish auction?

    Instead these tech bro wankers launch a matching service that doesn't do sh*t for shinola to fix the supply problems.

    If the Mango Man would have just done that contract with Fruit of the Loom for several hundred facemasks or gone WWII War Production we could have had plenty of masks.

    But sadly no- and here we are!

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Is this gonna be like when Google learned they were designing websites for the federal response during the public announcement?

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Trump lies and Americans dies!
