Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bill White: Legislators to scramble to achieve goals during final days of session

(From Sen. Bill White, R-Joplin)

I believe we all felt a collective sigh of relief in our neighborhoods this week as Missouri slowly started to re-open following the end of local stay-at-home orders throughout the state. 

It was great to see lines of eager customers forming outside of businesses whose doors had been closed due to the pandemic. 

As we continue to recover from the coronavirus, I am happy to see parts of our daily lives slowly return to normal.

From my perspective, a collective sense of urgency could be felt in the Capitol’s offices, committee rooms and chambers this week as legislators scrambled to accomplish their legislative goals during the final days of the 2020 legislative session. 

The past week featured numerous conference committee reports, compromises and last-minute amendments as my colleagues and I continued to discuss and debate proposals with the hopes of getting them across the finish line and to the governor’s desk.

Punitive Damages Bill Wins the Race against the Clock

Each December, senators pre-file several hundred bills with the hope of seeing the words “Truly Agreed and Finally Passed” next to their legislation before the end of the legislative session; however, only a small percentage of these will make it all the way through the legislative process. 

Senate Bill 591 was the first bill I pre-filed this session, and it was my first bill this year to make it to the governor’s desk to be signed into law. As an attorney, I am aware of how meritless punitive damages claims were being misused in our legal system, and it has been a priority of mine for several years to set the record straight and reform our state’s civil justice system.

In addition, I offered a tort reform amendment on House Bill 1682. The amendment protects health care workers from being held liable for civil damages for care associated with the COVID-19 virus. 

This legal protection would only apply as long as the governor’s state of emergency declaration regarding the virus is in effect. 

From my perspective, our health care providers have enough to worry about as they navigate the daily uncertainties of the virus without the added threat of a lawsuit hanging over them. After several hours of debate, I withdrew the amendment to allow the underlying bill to continue. Due to the important nature of this amendment, I plan on offering it to a different bill prior to the end of session.

As the days and hours continued to inch closer to the end of the legislative session, I am proud to report that I was able to add some of the provisions of my Senate Bill 826 to House Bill 1414. The provisions added to HB 1414 aim to assist homeless or unaccompanied children access their vital records without the consent or signature of an adult or having to pay a fee.

SJR 38 Advances to November Ballot
Several other pieces of legislation earned the “Truly Agreed and Finally Passed” stamp during the countdown to the final day of the legislative session. Senate Joint Resolution 38 was passed by both chambers, and will now head to the voters for their consideration. Sometimes referred to as “Cleaner Missouri”, this constitutional amendment, if passed, will attempt to limit the influence of special interests by banning lobbyist gifts and decreasing campaign contribution limits, as well as return the state’s legislative redistricting process into the hands of an independent, bipartisan, citizen-led commission.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Bill, you failed to mention and the attempt to again override the voters wish to not redistrict according to the republican mantra of disavowing those voters of minority persuasion and democratic tendencies. Redistricting is necessary, but a true non-partisan committee needs to be formed and do it in an honest and open way. Stop trying to stack the deck against the voters wishes.
