Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Carl Junction Superintendent: I'm proud of our teachers and what they have done

For the past month and a half, since the COVID-19 crisis closed Carl Junction schools, R-1 teachers have had to do things they were not trained for and they have done a remarkable job of it, Superintendent Phil Cook said in a video posted today on the district's Facebook page.

"I'm proud of the teachers and what they have done," Cook said. "I know our students and our parents appreciate what they are doing."

The Carl Junction teachers, like teachers in other school districts, have had to completely reimagine the way they teach and their lesson plans since they no longer have the students in the classrooms with them.

Cook also praised the Carl Junction community for how it is handling the situation and compared it with the tornado of 2003.

"The people of Carl Junction are tough, resilient and we're making it and we're doing a good job with the situation that we had in 2003 and again in 2020."

Cook said district officials will provide answers to questions that are being asked about the end of the school year over the next couple of weeks.

School Update with Dr. Cook: May 5, 2020 from Carl Junction School District on Vimeo.

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