Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Carthage Technical Center to distribute CARE Act funds for students in practical nursing program

(From the Carthage R-9 School District)

Carthage Technical Center is pleased to announce that it will be receiving funding in light of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Funds will be distributed to students as well as help offset the schools costs as the Practical Nursing program has moved to online/distance learning for the duration of campus closures.

The portion of student funding is known as Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF.) These funds will be distributed to students within the Practical Nursing program to help offset any financial burdens brought on by COVID-19 and the move to online instruction. Students must be eligible to apply for federal Title IV financial aid to qualify for the relief funds.

A second portion of funding will be made available to the school, which will be used for institutional costs.

These include costs associated with moving to online instruction, such as software, technology costs, and medical simulation licenses. In light of the current economic hardships, the program is also waiving all application and testing fees for applicants to the 2021 class.

“The COVID Pandemic has brought on numerous issues for the educational world. Those issues become magnified in a nursing program, really any CTE program, a program that relies so heavily upon engaging experiences as a part of the learning process. But, our staff and instructors have done tremendous job of working to offer as uninterrupted instruction as possible. And our students have responded tremendously, so it’s nice for them to see a little bit relief come in the form of the CARES ACT.” Gage Tiller – CTC Assistant Director

“I am thankful on the behalf of the students. The disruption of their education and additional costs associated with the move to Distance Education is being felt. When told they would receive additional relief aid, you could almost hear their audible sigh.” Kelly Wilson – CTC Financial Aid Officer

As soon as campus closures were announced instructors and staff at Carthage Technical Center began working toward to the move to online instruction. The program will continue to follow guidelines from local health officials and district administrators but hopes to be back in the classroom late in the summer. The program runs from January to December and prepares students for the NCLEX-PN.

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