Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Joplin mayor on loss of sales tax revenue: We're not going under, but we're feeling the same hurt and pain you are

The COVID-19 shutdown of the City of Joplin caused a dip in sales tax revenue and city staff is working on the problem, Mayor Gary Shaw said during this morning's COVID-19 briefing.

The staff is "looking at things we can do to tighten our cash flow and tighten our budget," Shaw said. "The city's not down. We're not going under, but we are feeling the same hurt and pain each of you are feeling."

On the COVID-19 front, the mayor noted, "We're still in the middle of the battle," and urged Joplin residents to continue social distancing.

"We're making progress; let's don't lose ground."


  1. Then IMMEDIATELY lift ANY and ALL restrictions and let people go back to work! These edicts are unconstitutional PERIOD!!

  2. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Amen, Kevin. As each and every one of these cases hit the courts, the unconstitutionality of these orders will be exposed. It's starting with the WI supreme Court and more and more will come.
