Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Joplin teen to serve 120 days in jail after pleading guilty to armed robbery, kidnapping charges

A Joplin man will serve 120 days shock time after pleading guilty to felony robbery and kidnapping charges Monday in Jasper County Circuit Court.

Judge Gayle Crane sentenced Ryan L. Mace-Canterbury, 18, to 10 years on both charges, then suspended his sentence and placed him on probation for five years, but required him to serve four months shock time in the Jasper County Jail.

Other requirements of Mace-Canterbury's probation he will have to do the following:

-Have no contact with his co-defendants Cayden Garvin and Trevin Dicks.

-Pay $975 in restitution at $50 a month beginning 60 days after his release from custody

-Complete 75 hours of public service

-Obtain a mental health and substance abuse assessment and follow any recommended treatment plan

-Must have electronic monitoring

-Live with his sister in Joplin until an interstate transfer of probation to Arizona is approved. Once he is there, he must live with his aunt.

The crime was described in a September Joplin Police Department news release following the arrest of the first two suspects. Mace-Canterbury, who planned the robbery and supplied the equipment, was arrested a few days later.

On September 30th, 2019 a victim reported a robbery to the Joplin Police Department. The victim advised he was driven to a central location in the city. 

The suspects then held him at gunpoint, assaulting him while forcing him to take his clothes off. The suspects then took the victim's belongings including money and left.

Detectives with the Joplin Police Department opened an investigation into the reported robbery.

Through the investigation it was found that the suspects in the crime recorded parts of the incident, then shared footage on a social media site.

Investigators were able to obtain footage of the robbery.

Multiple interviews with witnesses were conducted and through the investigation and the following arrests were made. Trevin C. Dicks, 17 years old of Joplin was arrested for armed robbery 1st degree, kidnapping 1st degree, and armed criminal action. Cayden B. Garvin, 18 years old of Joplin was arrested for robbery 1st degree and kidnapping 1st degree.

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