Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Mayor Shaw says reopening of Joplin is going well, but urges caution

The reopening of Joplin has gone well through the first three days, Mayor Gary Shaw said this morning during a COVID-19 briefing.

Shaw said he was thankful for the efforts of Joplin residents, but offered a word of caution.

"We're all excited about being able to return to normal, but we need to use wisdom and do this a little bit at a time so that we don't harm the progress that we're making."

The briefing also included updates from Health Director Dan Pekarek, City Manager Nick Edwards, City Clerk Barbara Gollhofer and Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce President Toby Teeter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who needs caution?

I hear both Billy Long and Brother Ben Baker are signing up to go work in one of them packing plants that's essential and short of help!

That way we can all keep being be fed up with them and their help!

I think I might have heard some rumor that Billy's doctor cautioned him to be sure it's a beef plant, so he don't get mistaken for a hog by accident.

Brother Ben should be advised advised not to work in a plant having anything to do with donkeys!