Thursday, May 14, 2020

New rules in effect when Jasper County Circuit Court reopens next week

(From the Circuit Court of Jasper County, Missouri)

Now that state and local governments are beginning to lift COVID-19 restrictions, the Supreme Court of Missouri provided directives to the local courts on how to resume court operations.

Citizens and employees who enter court facilities in the county must feel confident for their own safety and the judiciary understands that the health and welfare of every litigant, juror, witness, victim, judicial employee, attorney, and other individuals involved in judicial proceedings is paramount. 

Beginning on May 16, 2020, the Circuit Court of Jasper County will resume operations at the Jasper County Courts Building and Jasper County Juvenile Center with the following restrictions: 

1. The use of masks or face coverings by attorneys, parties, witnesses or victims will be required. The court is asking the public to wear a mask or face covering if having business with the court. If individuals do not have a mask or face covering, one will be made available upon entrance into the Courts Building or Juvenile Center. 

2. Members of the public who are not involved in court proceedings will not be allowed to accompany court litigants to their proceedings and will remain outside of the Jasper County Courts Building and Juvenile Center. 

3. Occupancy rates in courtrooms and other areas will be limited and strict social distancing will be required. 

4. Individuals will not be allowed access to the courts who have been exposed to or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. 

In addition to these restrictions, the following persons shall not enter the Jasper County Courts Building or Jasper County Juvenile Center: 

 Persons who have traveled to any foreign country within the last 14 days; 

 Persons who reside or have had close contact with someone who has traveled to any foreign country within the last 14 days;

 Persons who have been asked to self-quarantine by any doctor, hospital or health agency; 

 Persons who have tested positive, been diagnosed with, or have had contact with, anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19; and 

 Persons with fevers, or unexplained coughs or shortness of breath. 

If you have any questions regarding this Public Service Announcement, please contact the Jasper County Circuit Clerk’s Office at 417-625-4310.

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