Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Joplin cardiologist to mask opponents: Masks reduce the spread. Period. Exclamation point- Grow up and be an adult

Joplin City Council will consider a mask ordinance when it meets in special session 6 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall and Dr. John Cox, a cardiologist at Freeman Health has made it clear that he favors such an approach.

In a message posted on his public Facebook page this morning, Cox responded to the arguments that mask opponents have been using:

We are confronted with a significant SW MO spike in cases. Our COVID units are busy. I now know personally several who are infected. (Luckily for me no recent contact with them)

Many municipalities around the country have instituted a mandatory mask policy. My son lives in Denver where it is working well. Colorado cases declining. They are cautiously reopening.

Locally, we are considering a mask ordinance. The science is clear and not subject to the “both sides” nonsense. Masks reduce the spread. Period. Exclamation point. 

By the comments by some you would think a mandate to drive a nail through their finger is proposed. I’m amazed at the resistance to help others not get sick, overwhelm our healthcare facilities and reduce death and suffering. 

What is your problem here? Are you that callous to your need to be a responsible citizen? I can’t walk into places with a lit cigarette. Why is that different?

I’ve heard that some cannot wear them because of a serious underlying respiratory condition. If that is the case, you have no business being out in public except for visits that cannot be done virtually. I’ve heard “we are not babies”. Yes. Apparently you are. 

If you don’t wear a mask you give up your right to outrage over “irresponsibility” by protestors. You are directly endangering others. 

You have no “right” to endanger your fellow man. 

My view: grow up. Be an adult. Be responsible. Give a damn. Once again I say: wear the friggin mask.

The post follows another one 13 days ago from Dr. Cox, in which he wrote about the effect the recent uptick in cases is having on the local health system.

We are facing a local surge in COVID cases. 

This is certainly not surprising if one takes a walk through any local big box store or local hangouts where few wear masks. Folks acted as if there was an all clear sounded. Major roads are again full of cars. 

These are not “extra testing” cases. Freeman’s COVID unit is again full and pushing into overflow areas. We are not alone. 

Benton County Arkansas just across the border has over 1100 cases, tripling in two weeks. One hospital sent out an alert. They have two COVID units full. Several deaths last week. Few measures were mandated there to reduce the spread in April and May. 

Our push to return to normal will be deadly. 

I have again been accused of spreading fear. “If you are so worried, stay home! ( yeah. I’m a Dr. I actually need to go to work and my actual job is to, you know, stop folks from dying if i can)
Some amazingly want to argue with me about hydroxychloroquine (no study to date has shown benefit and no, Fred’s testimonial is not helpful)

Many “don’t want to live in fear” and refuse to wear a mask in public. Yet some of these these same folks claim to be pro life and have recently exclaimed “all lives matter”. Indeed. Heck of a way to show it. Masks work. 

Again, in case you didn’t read this right MASKS WORK!

So. Be careful. Sanitizer, Masks, distancing. Don’t hang out in the store with your whole doggone family. If you must eat out, try the outdoor seating or a sparsely filled area. No big get together. No in person meetings with a bunch of fellow employees.

I wish I had an answer on church and school. I don’t. 

Be safe.

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