Monday, June 22, 2020

Joplin COVID-19 total up to 91, much of spread coming from problems in surrounding counties, facemask ordinance to be considered

As COVID-19 cases multiply rapidly in Newton and McDonald Counties and in the Carthage area, the City of Joplin has also seen a sharp increase and at the moment, a high percentage of the cases, at this point, can be traced to those areas, City Health Director Dan Pekarek just said during the city's weekly press conference.

Joplin has had 91 cases with 52 under insolation. An additional 77 are under quarantine, Pekarek said.

The health director urged Joplin residents to employ proper social distancing and to wear masks.

The mask wearing may become a requirement for city residents, Mayor Ryan Stanley said at the beginning of the news conference. Joplin City Council is scheduled to meet in special session Wednesday night to discuss what needs to be done to deal with the spike in the novel coronavirus cases.


  1. I feel wearing a mask every time you go outside isn't the answer, the answer lies with people wearing a mask and not practicing social distancing! Today when I was at the check out putting my groceries on the belt to be checked out this lady pushed her way to get to the spacer so she could start putting her groceries up, I turned to her and said please respect social distancing and she said "I'm wearing a mask so there's no need to" This is the problem people thinking they can do what ever they want this is why covid-19 is still with us! Wearing a mask at all times isn't going to protect us unless we use social distancing as well. I find it not only hard to breath with a mask on but they fog up my glasses as well. I will not wear a mask 24-7 I enjoy breathing fresh air not stale air from that mask, if I'm in a grocery store or doctor's office I will wear one but if I'm outside around my own home no I'm not going to wear one. Something to think about wearing a mask isn't 100% you could still catch the virus.

    1. Sydney, you're actually 100% correct. Several videos show cough simulation reaching up to 9 ft and sideways even. No one seems to be remembering their sink either. People can be pushy and nasty. The masks DO help. DISTANCE is necessary. It's personal space anyway. If you're in your OWN Personal Space at home (yard) you do not need one while alone. It's when there's a reason to protect someone in your home or you from someone in your home. I've seen scared, I've seen confused, I've watched rude and just plain dumb. Everyone here could have been watching the coasts and larger airport cities and seen this coming, but hey...ya know. Now I'm seeing the 10th Amendment being thrown in. Shameful to not protect community, family and self. I'll keep making masks. I'll keep giving them out in zip locks. I'll keep being hopeful. Tell people to back up off you. GOOD LUCK. STAY SAFE
