Monday, July 13, 2020

City Manager wants input from Joplin residents on city's strengths, weaknesses, goals

(From the City of Joplin)

City Manager Nick Edwards joined the City of Joplin on March 16, 2020, just a little over three months ago. Since that time, he has been meeting with Joplin citizens, business owners, entrepreneurs and community leaders to learn about their ideas for Joplin as part of a “Listening Tour”. 

He has heard about the perseverance and hard work that has taken place the past nine years since disaster in 2011, and now recognizes the community’s desire to move to the next level. To shift Joplin forward, he’d like to know more about those who live here and what they consider as Joplin’s strengths and weaknesses, and what they envision for Joplin’s future.

“I am hoping people will dream a little,” said Edwards. “This community was built by hard-working citizens with Midwest values. They are friendly and have an entrepreneurial spirit. 

"They know what they like and what they want. I’m asking them to share these ideas so we can begin to build our future. What does Joplin look like in five, ten or fifteen years? I want to know.”

Citizens can participate in this survey by going to Survey cards are also available at the Joplin Recycling Center, the Joplin Public Library and Joplin City Hall. People can fill out the card or scan the QR code printed on the card to take the survey online. If completing a written survey, they can return the cards at any one of these locations.

Edwards is hoping to get a strong response to the survey. “I believe our citizens’ input will be valuable information for our elected leaders and can be a foundational tool for future decisions,” he said.

To take the survey......

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