Tuesday, July 14, 2020

City of Joplin announces plan to distribute 50,000 cloth masks to residents

(From the City of Joplin)

Joplin City Council authorized the City to purchase 50,000 cloth masks for the purpose of distributing one mask per resident in Joplin as a proactive measure to reduce the spread of coronavirus. The masks will be available at various times throughout several days this week and next.

Residents are reminded that the City’s mask distribution is not intended as the sole source for residents to have a mask, but to supplement the availability of masks to our residents. Masks will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, however our order allows for one mask per resident.

To distribute masks safely and efficiently to Joplin residents, City staff will offer a drive through pick up location at the Memorial Hall parking lot, located just south of 7th and Joplin Street. 

Vehicles will need to enter from Joplin Street and follow the marked route in the lot to reach the pickup location. The City is anticipating a large turn-out and Joplin Police Officers will assist in traffic control, directing vehicles into the lot to reduce congestion on roadways. The City will have multiple stations on the lot to expedite the mask distribution process.

In order to verify their Joplin residency, residents will need to present their City wastewater and trash bill to City staff. Tenants whose bills are paid by their landlords should provide another official piece of mail, driver’s license, or other personal identification listing their address.

The City ordered 50,000 masks to provide one mask per resident, however we recognize that not every individual of each household will be able to attend the distribution. To help with this, we will allow a citizen to pick up their mask and additional masks for other members in their household.

Also, many in the area do have a Joplin mailing address, however they may not reside within the city limits of Joplin. If the household receives a wastewater and trash bill from the City of Joplin and has their trash pickup from Republic Services, that household is within the city limits. Otherwise, the household is outside of city limits but lives in a Joplin postal zone. Jasper County Health Department has also planned to distribute masks to their residents in upcoming weeks, and we encourage everyone to watch for their announcements.

Distribution of the masks starts Thursday, July 16 and will be offered at different times of the day to accommodate various work schedules of our residents. Masks can be picked up during these hours:
7 a.m. – 9 a.m.; 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. – Thurs., July 16 & Fri., July 17
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 18
7 a.m. – 9 a.m.; 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. – Wed., July 22, Thurs., July 23 & Fri., July 24

Each resident of a household should mark their mask with an identifying mark to avoid confusion and sharing of masks. The cloths masks should be washed after wearing each day. They can be hand washed or machine washed.

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