Thursday, July 16, 2020

Discussion on COVID-19 response, comment on mask issue, approval of Memorial Hall study on tap for Joplin City Council

MONDAY, JULY 20, 2020, 6 p.m.


This meeting can be viewed live on KGCS-TV channel 21 and regional cable television systems including Sparklight in Joplin; or livestream at 

In compliance with the social distancing requirement of six feet, the number of guests in the Council Chambers is limited to 45. 

1. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America

2. Roll Call 

3. Presentations

4. Finalization of Consent Agenda

5. Reports and Communications

6. Citizen Requests and Petitions

1. Brian W. Jones, 1015 Sheridan, Joplin, would like to speak on anti-COVID preventative measures enforced.

2. Margey Upson would like to speak about respect

3. Brian Evans, 4308 W. 28th Place, Joplin, would like to speak on the mask ordinance.

4. Juan "Cookie" Estrada, 3404 W. McIntosh Circle, Joplin, would like to speak on CARES Act

7. Public Hearings

1. Public Hearing Procedures 
2. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-518
AN ORDINANCE approving a Petition to Establish the 32nd Street Place Community Improvement District and creating the 32nd Street Place Community Improvement District.
8. Consent Agenda 

1. Minutes of the July 6, 2020 City Council Meeting 
2. Minutes of the July 8, 2020 Special City Council Meeting 
3. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-140
COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-140 - AN ORDINANCE approving an occupancy agreement by and between the City of Joplin and Missouri & Northern Arkansas Railroad Company, Inc, as it pertains to construction of an underground storm sewer pipeline crossing and parallelism related to the 4th and School Stormwater Project (TS0612) and establishing certain obligations regarding the continuation of the occupancy; and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute the same by and on behalf of the City of Joplin.
4. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-267
AN ORDINANCE establishing grades and accepting the Plat of Eagles Edge Subdivision located at approximately 400’ West and 650’ North of the West end of public right-of-way on W. 32nd St., in the City of Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri.
5. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-265
AN ORDINANCE approving the voluntary annexation by the Council of the City of Joplin, Missouri, approximately 400’ West and 650’ North of the West end of public right-of-way on W. 32nd St., Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri.
6. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-266
AN ORDINANCE establishing grades and accepting the Plat of QuikTrip No. 7061 Subdivision located at 6601 E. 32nd St. in the City of Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri.
9. Resolutions

1. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-011
A RESOLUTION summarizing the City of Joplin’s COVID-19 proposed project listing and requesting the authority of City Council to submit the projects as listed to Jasper and Newton County Commissioners as the City’s request for their CARES Relief funding. 

RS 2020-011.pdf
RS 2020-011 Summary.pdf
10. Ordinances - Emergency 

1. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-152
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City of Joplin to enter into a construction agreement with Encompass IDBO, LLC, in the not to exceed the amount of Four Hundred Eighty-Nine Thousand, Four Hundred Fourteen and 00/100 Dollars ($489,414.00) for construction services associated with the Miscellaneous Wastewater Treatment Facilities Improvements 2020 on behalf of the City of Joplin and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute the same by and on behalf of the City of Joplin; and containing an emergency clause.
GS 2020-152 Misc. Improvements WWTF 2020.pdf
Bid Tab Form.pdf
00500 - Agreement 2020.pdf
2. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-517
AN ORDINANCE approving the Real Estate Contract by and between the City of Joplin, Missouri, a Municipal Corporation, and JMJ Rental Enterprises, Inc., a Missouri corporation, for the sale of one parcel at 903 Virginia Avenue, approximately 3,600 square feet of land, in the amount of Four Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars and No Cents ($4,750.00) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City of Joplin; and containing an emergency clause.

CB 2020-517 Summary Land Sale 903 Virginia .pdf
CB 2020-517 Exhibit A 903 Virginia Real Estate Contract.pdf
Map of 903 Virginia.pdf
3. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-607 
AN ORDINANCE approving a Purchase Order to be issued to SHI/Microsoft Corporation to cover the annual support payment for the Public Safety and Financial software and related systems as budgeted in the Annual Budget of the City of Joplin for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 as adopted by Ordinance 2019-166 on October 21, 2019; to adjust appropriations; and containing an emergency clause.
2020-607 Summary Sheet.pdf
11. Ordinances - First Reading 

12. Ordinances - Second Reading and Third Reading

1. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2020-516
AN ORDINANCE approving a Contract by and between the City of Joplin and SFS Architecture to complete a study of Memorial Hall; authorizing the City Manager to execute said Contract by and on behalf of the City of Joplin.
13. Unfinished Business

14. New Business

1. Discussion of the COVID 19 Response and Recovery Plan. 

2. News from Public Information Officer Lynn Onstot

3. Vote to go into closed session, which shall pertain to leasing, purchasing or sale of real estate by a public governmental body where public knowledge of the transaction might adversely affect the legal consideration therefore as set forth in Section 610.021 (2) RSMo, as amended, 2019. This meeting, record, and vote to be closed to the extent provided by law. The City Council shall adjourn at the end of the session.

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