Saturday, July 04, 2020

Don't lose faith, Joplin- Though COVID-19 is hitting us hard, Mayor Ryan Stanley tells Washington Post he is concerned

As the COVID-19 pandemic finally hits the Joplin area hard, Ryan Stanley wears a face mask and thinks other people should be wearing them, too. 

Stanley, who has been serving as Joplin's mayor for less than a month, has a hard time understanding why people are so averse to a simple act like wearing a cloth facial covering to help prevent the spread of disease.

So when Stanley had his first chance to exhibit mayoral leadership, he pulled a Susan Collins. 

As the Maine senator often does, Stanley expressed deep concern, even making a long, thoughtful speech about how he weighed all the pros and cons … and then he cast what was essentially the deciding vote against the proposed mask ordinance.

If you don't believe me about Stanley's thoughts about wearing a mask being the right thing to do, encouraging people to do it and not understanding why they think it is such a big deal- let me reveal my source.

Ryan Stanley.

While Stanley cast a vote aligning himself with those whose constitutional expertise enabled them to locate the heretofore unknown amendment to the Bill of Rights protecting the right to bare faces, he made every effort to convince a Washington Post reporter how deeply thoughtful he is.

From the Washington Post:

“I’m surprised it’s as divisive as it is,” said the mayor, who personally wears masks and advocates that others do the same, but who cast the deciding vote against mandating them. “If we’re having this crazy spike in the area, don’t you think we’d want to err on the side of caution?”

Of course, in Stanley's favor, it should be noted that the Washington Post is part of the evil fake news media (any news source that reports facts and has actual trained journalists doing the reporting) so maybe the Post reporter was out to get the mayor and make him look a small town rube by writing what he actually said.

The nerve of those people.

When Joplin really know what's going on, its people don't get their news from the Joplin Globe or the aforementioned fake news media (to which many around here includes the Joplin Globe).

Ask Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce President Toby Teeter.

The Washington Post did.

"Eighty percent of people here are watching one channel and it’s downplaying the epidemic,” Teeter said, referring to Fox News. “So there’s a lot of confusion.”

Teeter was diplomatic in that he did not mention the 24-hour a day KZRG propaganda machine (I am sure it is a Chamber member) which also points listeners in the same Fox News direction and its Facebook page which encourages the bullying and belittling of anyone who would dare to require anyone to do something to help their fellow man.

With that type of macho posturing, the Joplin area has developed into one of the fastest growing hot spots for the spread of the coronavirus, the hospitals' COVID-19 units are filling up, and there are no signs of the outbreak abating.

The outlook is not totally bleak, however.

Ryan Stanley is concerned.


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    He's gotsta keep all them goobers happy.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    The conflicting positions of our leaders does make it confusing for the public. At the beginning when all the info of a new virus was being trial and error that was one thing but it does seem like we could get in a position to protect ourselves and our vulnerable populations without so much contradictions.

  3. Covid tests with deep swabs are no better than 70-75% accurate...dirty masks(need to be cleaned repeatedly or thrown out after use) will end up making people have serious respiratory illnesses in next few months...not covid....medicare reimburses hospitals handsomely for covid cases,venterlator use and covid deaths..check it out..are hospitals defining cases as from covid or careful be safe,keep distance,wash hands, ...

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sad the post could not find dr cox

  5. If anyone feels like they need to wear a mask, then by all means wear one. But NOBODY, AND I MEAN NOBODY, I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, WILL make another person wear one!

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      And pants. Nobody will make me wear PANTS...or SHOES. FREEDOM!

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Kevin VanStory, this is what I don't understand, and I would like to understand. Why wouldn't you just want to wear a mask to protect other people in case you have the virus but are asymptomatic or just not showing symptoms yet? Serious question.

    1. Because countless studies show that these don't really do anything other than show capitulation to those who are demanding it. Unless you are wearing an industrial type mask and filtration system, it is nothing more than a show. The n95 mask will filter down to 5 microns and is only good for a maximum of 30 minutes. The virus molecule is less than 3 microns so it passes freely either way. I just attached a video that asymptomatic people do not pass iui t in and that was according to the WHO as of Friday. They don't know anymore than anyone else. So NOBODY. regardless of they are have any right to take an unalienable right from anyone else!

  7. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I'm just happy to see all the pro-choice ppl come out of the woodwork!! It's amazing!! I know, I know. They'll say it's different b/c the fetus is another life, but I tell you, when you don't mask it is other people's lives...born people with thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, and families.

    Remember this when u tell a pregnant person that they can't have an abortion all u hypocrits. Remember that you don't want ur body regulated to save the lives of other people. You all are horrible.

  8. Carolyn Fehrenbach10:21 PM

    See how you feel about wearing a mask when a loved one becomes ill.

  9. Anonymous10:29 PM

    If you really want to know the truth about Kevin VanStory and his stunning stupidity on masks, here ya go:

  10. Anonymous5:37 AM

    More comments here continue to show ignorance about the mask issue. This IS NOT about protecting yourself- if that is what you want then wear a respirator. This is about protecting OTHERS. By reducing the aerosol effect of your breathing/coughing/sneezing, etc, you keep your own germs with you. AND - think about it - if we all wear masks then we can't catch the virus - there will be no virus to get on anything. This is not that difficult - we had this wiped out and then ridiculous macho, ignorant behavior took over. Thanks for your leadership (off a cliff) Mr. President.

    Seriously - let's stop wearing seatbelts or buckling up. I hope smoking is allowed everywhere again, especially on airplanes (it's my right). While we are at it - who needs auto insurance. It is my body and my car - if I want to drive after a drink or three then so be it. And don't even think of lecturing me about the salvage yard that is my (unmowed) front lawn in your neighborhood.

  11. If it waqsnt for Mississippi and Arkansas Missouri could be number 50 in a lot of bad thingso9:40 AM

    Folks the two sure things in this life are that no one lives forever and you can't fix stupid.

  12. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I just wonder if some simply want to rebel and found something that requires no effort, yet makes one feel they have freedom.

  13. Members of the city council should all be concerned about this virus and should have all voted to mandate wearing masks in Joplin. If I can protect one person from COVID while I am wearing a mask, then I have done what is right. Yes, wearing a mask can be hot, claustrophobic, and silly looking but as a nurse, for 35 years, I understand why they are necessary. Just buy a mask and be a good human being.

  14. Anonymous1:26 PM

    To keep all parties happy and increase mask wearing and safety perhaps a city sales tax break for people wearing masks at businesses. That way all these would be tough guys wouldn't feel mandated, all the selfish would get something, and all the people who are able to review data and make informed decisions based on science would be rewarded for doing what they are already doing. I've never known a Republican that would go against a tax cut or a Democrat that wouldn't take a government handout so make it happen and save health and lives.

  15. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Darwinism and natural selection will thin this illiterate herd. It's ashamed that those that don't wear a mask will still be able to find their way to the emergency room, gasping for air and still get treated. All their tough talk will fade away while they choke and cry all the while spreading the infection, proving to everyone else that they only care about themselves.
    Ignorance of actual facts and statistics that show masks make a difference is bolstered by their alternative facts, lies and conspiracies.

  16. Anonymous4:08 AM

    It would appear a majority of your science denying herd doesn't share your concern. Does this concern you too?

  17. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Why don't you science deniers ever post links to your alternative facts? I read one genius statement that "countless studies show that these don't really do anything other than show capitulation to those who are demanding it." Where did you get your facts? Breitbart? Trump? Fox News? Put your partisan hackery aside and try to show some compassion for the health care workers that are begging everyone to wear a mask. The ignorance of a mask being some "left wing" conspiracy is as ignorant as believing Mexico is going to pay for a wall.
