Thursday, July 09, 2020

Former Lamar police officer pleads not guilty to five counts of statutory sodomy, furnishing pornographic material to a minor

(Note: This story has been edited from its original version to note that Brian Hansen was not working for the Lamar Police Department at the time of his arrest, but had been dismissed due to unrelated personnel issue. I apologize for the error.)

A former Lamar police officer pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Vernon County Circuit Court to five felony charges of statutory sodomy and one count of furnishing pornographic materials to a minor.

The Highway Patrol's Division of Drug and Crime Control arrested Brian Hansen, 47, Nevada, Tuesday. He is being held in the Vernon County Jail on $500,000 cash only bond.

According to the probable cause statement, the crimes began when Hansen took an underage girl on a ride along when he was with the Nevada Police Department in October 2019, showed her a video of a woman performing a sexual act on a man and asked her if she could do that.

The probable cause statement indicates she could, she performed the act on him that day and on four other occasions.

Hansen told the Highway Patrol he thought the girl was 17.

After leaving the Nevada Police Department, Hansen worked at the Lamar Police Department for a couple of months beginning in April, but was dismissed from the force due to an issue unrelated to this investigation, according to Lamar Police Chief Joe Moore.

A bond reduction hearing has been scheduled for 8:30 a.m. July 20.


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Before everyone starts bashing the police I'd like to point out that the Lamar P.D. employs 11 officers, so this guy represents less than 10% of all cops.

    1. Don't worry sir or ma'am, at leat one person who read this detected the sarcastic tone. Still probably less than 10 percent though.

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Let me First Agree with the Previous Comment - Not All Police Officers are Bad -

    What Brian Hansen did was beyond Sick and he should be Extremely Punished for his Actions - Especially being someone in a Pivotal and Trusted Role in our Society where all Officers need to Hold Themselves and be Held in an Accountable Manner. Why isn't Mr. Hansen being Prosecuted by the United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Missouri - -

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Yeah, so as far as we know, 90% of cops don't rape children while on duty. Y'all chill out.

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    What about the 40% that beat their wives or children? ACAB

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    How dare you stand up for and protect this sick animal! It's the good cops who dont say anything about the bad cops just like Minneapolis. When one cop like this crimes are covered up by so called good cops you violate the trust that the public puts into you. You were tasked with protecting that 17 year old girl and did not. YOU FAILED THAT CHILD, YOU PERSONALLY!!!! LET THAT CHILD DOWN AND BETRAYED HER. ESSENTIALLY TURNED YOUR BACK ON THE COMMUNITY'S CHILDREN. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT CHILD READING THIS AND SEEING YOU DEFEND THAT SICK DEPRAVED ANIMALS ACTIONS? GOOD COP/BAD COP YOU BETRAYED OUR TRUST AS A WHOLE AND VIOLATE THE OATH YOU TOOK TO PROTECT AND SERVE THIS COMMUNITY. If anyone has any more information they need to come forward and suggest reporting it to the FBI because obviously good cops protect bad cops IN LAMAR AND NEVADA.

  6. Anonymous9:06 AM

    And less than 10% is still unacceptable! Get your house in order. Shame on you just wow, shame on you. Maybe we should get CNN out here so you can explain that to them and how it's okay because this guy represents less than 10% of cops. Shame on you!! This is someones daughter, granddaughter, sister! What is wrong with you?! Who makes a comment like that?! Wow.

  7. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Everyone knows that finding a rat in the woodpile means there is only one rat in the woodpile and you done already found it!

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Joe Moore is among the worst Lamar PD has ever seen. He is very incredible.. and a liar and he falsely arrest people all the time! He probably assisted this guy with these heinous acts. Lamar needs a new chief! It’s embarrassing !
