Saturday, July 11, 2020

Jason Smith co-authors bill stripping federal money from public schools that do not provide in-person instruction

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

American life has been dramatically altered over the last several months as our nation has weathered the coronavirus pandemic. 

These changes are perhaps most profound to parents of school age children who have found their local elementary or middle school shuttered. 

On the educational side, distanced learning has been a massive struggle for all involved. Beyond the financial burdens of new laptops and smart devices, these challenges have been compounded for southern Missouri students and families due to the lack of reliable broadband connectivity throughout the region. 

If we want to ensure our children and their generation do not suffer long-term consequences from the coronavirus, then we must ensure that they return to school this fall. 

This week, President Trump held a national dialogue at the White House about the importance of doing exactly that: reopening all of America’s schools in a safe way, because the President correctly understands that the longer these closures drag on, the more it negatively impacts America’s youth. 

Studies show that long-term learning losses from school closures are massive. In 2005, students in Pakistan missed just three months due to a catastrophic earthquake. Yet three years later, they were over 1.5 years behind on their education. 

That is unfortunately a similar reality our children face today. Even when they are allowed to go back to school, they are going to have to work incredibly hard to catch up on their studies. That’s why it is so important to get our kids back to school as quickly as possible. We cannot allow this current crisis to grow into a more disastrous situation.

Following the President’s example, I coauthored legislation—the Reopen Our Schools Act—to incentive school districts to provide in-person instruction in the fall by withholding federal support for school districts that fail to do so. 

Schools are tasked with providing our children with a quality education and if they can’t do that, then they should not receive any funding. 

Even colleges and universities—with their skyrocketing costs—think they can justify charging students the same astronomical price while refusing to offer students the option to attend their classes in person. It’s just not right.

 I also reinforced my support for the President’s position in a conversation with Governor Mike Parson and he too agreed. 

Since there is no universal solution for all schools across this country, safely reopening in southern Missouri will require authorizing local officials to act. 

It is my firm belief that the best government is the one closest to the people, that’s why I have worked tirelessly since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak to ensure our local leaders are empowered to make the best decision for their communities. They’re also in the best position to respond to the health and safety of their students.

Getting our children back to school is something everyone supports. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics believes it’s critical that our students get back to school as soon as possible. They put out a statement that says, “the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.” I agree wholeheartedly. 

Opening our schools this fall is paramount and the evidence shows it can be done safely. Nearly two dozen countries in Europe have already reopened their schools and have seen no noticeable increases in coronavirus cases. 

We owe it to our children and our nation’s future to put politics aside and focus on their safe return to their schools this fall. Failure to do so will set an entire generation up for failure. That’s not what our kids deserve, and that’s not the American way that I learned about in school.


  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    You and your cohorts are worth less than a slug repeating something said by orange hair leader. First you leave it up to states and cities to find their own PPE and said they are not getting involved in their problems with the virus and now you think you make one rule to fit all. Come up with an original idea versus just repeating crap and acting like you are doing something for your salary. It is sad that you sit and make 5 times what your citizens make in a year and do nothing except block meaningful legislation and let a liar, thief and ignorant person dictate national policy. Good little minion you are.

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    As an apparently proud member of the Orange Hemorrhoid Party Congressman Jason Smith fits right in!

    In a rump party full of lowlifes, stooges, boot lickers, idiots & grifters, Congressman Jason Smith is no better or worse than most of the rest of his ilk.

    Shallow and cruel, perfect for Donald Trump.

    He is a clear and present danger to American children, teachers and school staff.

    That's just what his deplorable supporters want apparently!

  3. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Jason is so puffed up with his flying around onAir Force one that he will do anything Trump wants him to. Jason doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his constituents.

  4. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Since Jason quoted the American Academy of Pediatrics, here is a more report on a recent statement they released on returning to school safely during the Trumpvirus Pandemic of Republican Diddling and American Death.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics on Friday flipped its position on reopening schools in the fall, distancing itself from the Trump administration, which cited the organization's initial stance in order to bolster its push to reopen all K-12 brick and mortar schools.

    "Returning to school is important for the healthy development and well-being of children, but we must pursue re-opening in a way that is safe for all students, teachers and staff," the AAP said in a statement. "Science should drive decision-making on safely reopening schools."

    The AAP added that public health agencies "must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics" and said "schools in areas with high levels of COVID-19 community spread should not be compelled to reopen against the judgment of local experts.

    "We should leave it to health experts to tell us when the time is best to open up school buildings, and listen to educators and administrators to shape how we do it," the AAP said.
    Read more at the left wing Fox News! :

  5. You are doing an amazing job. This virus that I still haven't seen and probably won't because I eat healthy and breathe plenty of oxygen, os the biggest political hoax I've ever seen! Dr. Fauci is a disgrace to America and so is the left wing media. We should've called it h1n1. Then no one would've even known about it. I believe opening schools is very important. I just seen where a 13 yo committed suicide because he lacked social interaction causing depression. Education is important and so is the mental stabilization process from socializing. F.E.A.R. FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL! We have been lied to the whole time about this virus. OPEN THE SCHOOLS! If schools don't, then no federal funding.

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Looks like the OrangeManBad drones have taken over this OrangeManBad Gazette located smack-dab in the center of Keep Orange-Man Preseedint country. Jason's and Billy's constituency are the very last and least affected by the panicdemic.

    You might want to keep in mind is that people get used to not having the free babysitting and unable to pay the taxes for it that they might no longer support much less afford your indoctrination centers as your pet demographics are more adversely affected.

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Hey lefties, if the kids don't go to school are you ok paying taxes for their education? Do you think that we would get a tax break of some kind if the kids are only going part time?

  8. Getting kids back in school "no matter what" is as stupid an idea as there ever was. The virus is raging, the myth that kids can't get it has been shot down. If you want kids back in school, then be prepared to pay for bigger classrooms (social distancing is required for them to stay safe). I'd rather have a child who is not as
    socialized as we might hope than one who is dead or suffering life long effects of covid-19
