Monday, July 13, 2020

Joplin mayor says first weekend under mask ordinance is a success

The first weekend under the City of Joplin's mask ordinance was a successful one, Mayor Ryan Stanley said during the city's weekly press conference this morning.

"I've been pleased with the adoption rate," Stanley said, gauging it at 85 to 90 percent.

"Our businesses are doing a great job partnering with us."

The city's COVID-19 dashboard shows the city has recorded 268 cases, with 11 people hospitalized and 165 under active quarantine. Fourteen people have died from COVID-19 related causes, all of them residents of Spring River Christian Village.


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    What he failed to share was the volume of shoppers on Saturday were about 60% of normal. I saw two different stores make posting that the volume of activity was like a Sunday instead of a Saturday. Good for the 85-90% that were following the ordinance. Sad for the businesses that lost 40% of their business to Webb City, Neosho and Carthage. Citizens have choices and will vote with their wallets. Maybe the Chamber of Commerce will do a survey of businesses to see how much their business was off since the mandate went into effect.

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    If those people won't shop in Joplin because they feel oppressed in some fictitious way, good. Let them go. We don't want them, in fact they should pack their crap and move somewhere that encourages their plague spreading mindset.

    Same with the business that made it political. Looking at you Joplin Greenhouse and Coffee Shop. You had a cute little sign pointing out those dastardly villains that want you to wear a mask. Good for you, you lost at minimum 14 customers on Saturday just in my circle of friends and family alone.

  3. To the first comment, You are correct! As of this past Saturday the Neosho Walmart reported an increase of over 1000 additional customers than normal. The Neosho Lowes also reported a 700 person increase over a normal Saturday. And all of Neosho eateries were blessed with additional business. Doubtful that your Chamber cares as to what really happens with businesses as they too are now "drunk" with the power trip they are getting now.
    As for the 2 comment, you will have your wish likely granted!
    Your good Mayor, who has anointed himself as King of the Kingdom of Joplin. He is now also drunk with this compliance measure that all those sheepish are adhering too! As your capitulation continues he will strengthen his resolve to make you bow to his liking. And just so you know who is writing this , I WILL NOT HIDE MY NAME!

  4. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Weird flex on being super proud of not hiding your name. Whatever, glad to see you care more about CEO's getting rich than your neighbors dying.

    I made a better point in one sentence than your prattling paragraph about how important big business is.

    As is my right, I WILL HIDE MY NAME!

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Kevin I just have one question to ask- Are you running for Congress because you are FED UP with Billy Long?
