Saturday, July 11, 2020

Prisoner who planned to rape 13-year-old Carthage girl and make video of the act asks for early "compassionate release" due to COVID-19

A prisoner who is halfway through an 18-year sentence for sexual exploitation of a child is asking for a compassionate release due to COVID-19.

In a petition filed Friday in U. S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, John Steven Green, 36, serving as his own attorney, said he feared COVID-19, especially since the Texas prison where he is serving his sentence has had numerous cases and "CDC recommendations of social distancing is impossible and mask wearing is not the norm."

Green said he is a changed man since he began serving his sentence in 2011.

"The date of my offense happened over 12 years ago and I have grown to be a much more responsible and considerate well-rounded man who has learned a great deal about living a good and meaningful life."

Green's crime was detailed in the plea agreement he reached with the U. S. Attorney's office nine years ago, which included dropping numerous child pornography charges in exchange for his plea.

Green, whose online name was "sexy midmo man" was ready for action when he arrived at a Carthage motel on May 23, 2008.

Before he left his Columbia home to meet the 13-year-old girl he had been grooming on the internet, Green loaded his car with computers, camera equipment and eight condoms.

 Green, 24, started chatting with Candy a month earlier. As the talks continued, he told her he wanted to meet her, have sex with her and make videos.

During three of the conversations, he exposed himself and performed a sexual act. He tried to convince Candy to buy a webcam and send similar images. He finally wore Candy down and she agreed to meet with him.

Green was a bit disappointed when he discovered the Candy he had eagerly anticipated sampling was Detective Ed Bailey of the Jasper County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies arrested Green, who admitted to his crimes. A search of the laptop he brought with him revealed 19 videos and 116 photographs containing child pornography, including one of an adult raping a child who appeared to be 1-2 years old. Some contained violent imagery.

The arrest was not the first for Green who had been placed on probation after receiving a suspended sentence in 2005 after arranging to meet with a 16-year-old girl at his Columbia home to have sex. Green, who was 21 at the time, was charged with a misdemeanor, child endangerment in the second degree.

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