Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Unconstitutional" mask order cripples shopping at 15th Street Walmart, former shoppers abandon cars in parking lot

The sturdy, but once proud Walmart brand took a hit in Joplin today as shoppers protested the company's decision to require all customers to wear masks.

The depth of the mask opponents' feelings about how "unconstitutional" the City of Joplin's mask mandate, combined with Walmart's audacity in requiring facial coverings in all of its stores nationwide, stirred area protesters who found a unique way of showing their displeasure at the 15th Street Walmart this afternoon.

I did not go into the store when I drove by this afternoon, but from what I could ascertain, hundreds of people flocked to the store, left their cars in the parking lot then walked to other places refusing to spend their money at a store that would dare to implement a policy to enhance the safety of their employees and customers.

It must have started well before I got there since I did not notice anyone leaving their cars and heading away from the store.

I haven't been able to get this confirmed yet, but I am hearing some of the protesters plan to wear masks at home until Walmart and the City of Joplin back down.

That ought to show them.


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I am really proud of Wal-Mart trying to protect its workers and clientel.

  2. Way to go Joplin residents. Both thumbs up to you and you keep on rocking.

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    You think you're funny? ��

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Covidiots amongst us

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    If 1 of them gets covid19 and spreads it to the rest of them how will they feel then??

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Covid is in the general population just like the cold and flu. You're going to catch it just like you do them accept the fact and move on with life.

  7. Chaemins7:36 PM

    You, sir, would make Samuel Clemens mighty proud, I'd reckon.

  8. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Imagine hating having to endure even the slightest inconvenience or the idea of doing something that would benefit others to the extent that you would rather embarrass yourself with hysterical displays and abandon your car to walk around in this sweltering heat.

  9. Agree with Anonymous.

  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I was in Walmart at 8:30 am on Thursday, the place was crawling, everyone had on masks, and some guy, and this is true, was wearing his tighty whitey's as a mask. They were not white but dingy gray so I have to assume it was his hillbilly way of protesting... to say that I was horrified at his "mask" is an understatement. Walmart is giving those without masks, paper masks sealed in baggies so please folks, just comply! The life you save may be mine.

  11. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Imagine walking 12 blocks in 100 degree weather instead of wearing a mask like a responsible adult.

    Imagine thinking your privilege is a right. These people deserve every bad thing that happens to them. Whiny little brats.

  12. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I participated in the protest. I arrived at Walmart about 8 am. Parked my car and walked away! Well actually first I went in and bought all the Goya beans I could then walked away leaving my car blocking one of their prime parking spots. Those idiots never nee what hit them!

  13. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Aww. It must have touched a nerve. It's not just the city of Joplin, as anyone with a brain well knows, but the city is a part of this. The CEO's only look at the bottom line and money talks. All the cute little mask nazi's thinking that, "They won't miss your business. You won't change anyone's mind.", are very much mistaken. Thise profit losses speak VOLUMES. They don't care about you.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM


    These People that will Not Wear Masks are Simply - IDIOTS. Why would you not want to Protect Yourself and Others. In Missouri you are required to wear Seat-Belts, Not Smoke in Restaurants - and Other Ordinances, Rules, and/or Regulations - you Must Follow - These are Put in Place to "Protect the Many", not the "Few" - - You do not get to do what you Individually Want To Do. We are a Society of Masses - - If you do not want to Shop at Walmart - Don't Shop at Walmart that is your Right - - It is their Right to set there Own Rules to Who they will Serve - Not Yours.

    Again, if you do not like it do not go to Walmart - - Personally - If it had been my Business - I would have had all your Cars Towed to an Impound Lot - - and let you Deal with that. Because their are Rules about Abandoned Vehicles - and also if you are not Soliciting that Business - you have NO RIGHT TO USE THERE PARKING LOT...

    I am sure that even the Small - Mom and Pop Stores have Implemented Masks Rules - - are you going to go Protest them because they are trying to do the Right Thing for Themselves and their Employees.

    Let's Try to do the Right Thing for All - - Not a Few Disgruntled Individuals that Do Not Want to Follow The Rules!!! If you have all this Time On Your Hands - - Go Help the Less Fortunate, Volunteer, Help Your Family, Your Neighbors - -


  15. Anonymous8:26 AM


    These People that will Not Wear Masks are Simply - IDIOTS. Why would you not want to Protect Yourself and Others. In Missouri you are required to wear Seat-Belts, Not Smoke in Restaurants - and Other Ordinances, Rules, and/or Regulations - you Must Follow - These are Put in Place to "Protect the Many", not the "Few" - - You do not get to do what you Individually Want To Do. We are a Society of Masses - - If you do not want to Shop at Walmart - Don't Shop at Walmart that is your Right - - It is their Right to set there Own Rules to Who they will Serve - Not Yours.

    Again, if you do not like it do not go to Walmart - - Personally - If it had been my Business - I would have had all your Cars Towed to an Impound Lot - - and let you Deal with that. Because their are Rules about Abandoned Vehicles - and also if you are not Soliciting that Business - you have NO RIGHT TO USE THERE PARKING LOT...

    I am sure that even the Small - Mom and Pop Stores have Implemented Masks Rules - - are you going to go Protest them because they are trying to do the Right Thing for Themselves and their Employees.

    Let's Try to do the Right Thing for All - - Not a Few Disgruntled Individuals that Do Not Want to Follow The Rules!!! If you have all this Time On Your Hands - - Go Help the Less Fortunate, Volunteer, Help Your Family, Your Neighbors - -


  16. The depth of the mask opponents' feelings about how "unconstitutional" the City of Joplin's mask mandate, combined with Walmart's audacity in requiring facial coverings in all of its stores nationwide, stirred area protesters who found a unique way of showing their displeasure at the 15th Street Walmart this afternoon.
