Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hartzler: We need to ensure our schools remain open

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

I hosted a teacher appreciation forum for Stockton R-I School District educators. As a former public-school teacher, I understand the challenges teachers are facing in the district and across the county and appreciate their dedicated efforts to bring students back to the classroom this fall. I’ve always looked forward to the beginning of the new school year and building relationships with my students.

Unfortunately, many schools are closed or implementing measures that limit the ability of teachers to engage with students. 

We need to ensure that schools remain open so students can learn, and teachers can help them reach the next grade level. So many of our students have fallen behind from the school closures last spring. If we continue to limit student engagement our students could potentially fall behind substantially. I support digital learning as an alternative if school districts cannot open safely.

However, many rural students must have access to broadband. I’ve worked on several initiatives to help rural communities expand Internet access. Almost 200,000 K-12 students lack high speed Internet in our state. One reason I voted for the CARES Act is that it invests over $2.3 billion in our state, including over $50 million allocated by the governor and legislature for connecting K-12 students.

Among these initiatives are $10 million for new Wi-Fi networks that add 250,000 new connections, $20 million for student tablets, $20 million for broadband expansion for students or household in unserved other underserved areas, and $10 to Local Education Agencies to reimburse student connectivity projects.

Each of these programs, along with others such as the $1.7 billion I worked hard to include in the USDA Reconnect Program, will help students and families in our district achieve the same level of ISP service as their urban and suburban counterparts.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    These students are just as important and essential as the packing house workers!

    Or is it that the teachers and staff are just as important as the packing house workers? If that's what it is...what are the students?

    Republican Stupidity Kills.

  2. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Why don't you self serving republican congressional members go into a classroom daily in the bigger cities and help teach your "factory students" if it is so safe? You have no shame to expose hard working teachers, staff and others to the virus, but high tail it our of Washington in a second. Funny if it is so safe why are so many of you devout republicans not attending the nomination of orange hair leader in DC this month? You are a disgrace to your state, your citizens and family to spread the BS we hear from your office.
