Thursday, August 06, 2020

Joplin city manager outlines upcoming initiatives in budget message to City Council

In a budget message to Joplin City Council members in advance of a Monday work session, City Manager Nick Edwards previewed a year in which many details are unknowable due to the continuing presence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Among the items in the message, Edwards outlined budget initiatives for the coming year:

The proposed budget was developed with one key goal prioritized above all others. The proposed fiscal year 2021 budget will preserve as much funding capacity as possible, without negatively impacting service, to create a pool of funding to improve wages. 

At this present time, from an operational perspective, inadequate pay is the biggest barrier limiting the city’s ability to provide quality services. 

With inadequate pay, the city is not able to attract or retain qualified personnel who are the prerequisite for all service. 

Within this proposed budget, approximately $1.1 million has been set aside in the general fund for wage improvements. If the full amount is allocated for compensation adjustments, the result would be an overall increase of 9% in compensation for employees. 

Additional initiatives that will be pursued in fiscal year 2021 include:

-Continuation of migration to online business licensing and online building permitting software tools.  
-Begin the process to obtain accreditation from the American Public Works Association.  

-Create a workforce training program for municipal jail and dispatch operations.  

-Plan and support the 10th anniversary of the 2011 EF-5 tornado.  

-Complete master planning efforts for Parks and Stormwater facilities in anticipation of the Parks and Stormwater sales tax renewal. This includes master planning for Memorial Hall and Ewert Park.  

-Conduct Fiber and Connectivity Gap Analysis for SMART City effort.  

-Replace and Upgrade of the diesel fuel island at the Public Works Center.  

Begin phase 1 of 4 to replace all public safety portable and mobile radios to improve interoperability with other partner agencies.  

-Continue response to COVID-19 pandemic.

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