Saturday, August 01, 2020

Parson response to student's comment that kids might get sick and die: "I hope that's not the case"

When Missouri schools return to class later this month, many older teachers and staff and those with pre-existing health conditions will be at risk of contracting COVID-19.

"There's nothing you can do to say everything's all right. It might not be," Gov. Mike Parson told reporter Dia Wall of Kansas City's Action 41 News.

"If the virus gets there, it can affect them."

Wall spoke with children who were eager to return to school, but fearful of what could happen.

One student said, "A lot of kids might got sick and die."

Parson offered a reassuring, "Well, I hope that's not the case."


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I hope he catches it

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Who knew all these deplorable MAGAts would actually act like a death cult with all this freedum and 'virus is a hoax' and whatnot?

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Daydream believing is not a plan.

    Nor is having another day of prayer to summon their sky pilot.

  4. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Vote Blue to get the Orange out!

  5. Anonymous5:00 AM

    "If the virus gets there" What does that mean, it is out on the prowl looking for new places when our knuckle dragging citizens refuse to wear masks. Why do our teachers have to be placed in harms way to satisfy the republicans eagerness to make money. Life as a teacher is bad enough without this. Our country is heading down the toilet over this with poor leadership and very poor preparedness buy our governments, that is, feds, state, county and cities. Fitting for a republican led group. Money, mo-money

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Watching Trump's Defectives like Governor Mike Parsons trying to buff out almost 200,000 American dead due to their stupid decisions and lack of action...they are like "HOLD MY BEER AND WATCH US GO FOR 300,000 DEAD TO MAGA!

    Republicans Lie While Americans Die
