Tuesday, September 29, 2020

City of Joplin sets record for residents hospitalized with COVID-19, hospitals nearing capacity


The number of Joplin residents being treated at local hospitals for COVID-19 reached an all-time high Tuesday with 16 at local hospitals, according to statistics posted this morning on the city's COVID-19 dashboard. Only nine were reported hospitalized the previous day.

The sharp increase put the city's hospitals at risk of hitting their capacity as the number of coronavirus patients jumped from 47 to 60.

The dashboard indicates only five new cases were confirmed and the number of active cases decreased from 160 to 140.

Joplin has recorded 25 COVID-19 deaths, with the most recent one, a 69-year-old man, being reported Monday.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Heads up anti-maskers. Just wait till we’re all stuck inside this winter. COVID IS COMING FOR YOU AND YOURS. It doesn’t care what your politics are.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      I wear a mask everytime I go to store church or any public place and I practice social distancing (6ft away and don't shake hands or touch others or any surfaces I can avoid) I pray I don't get covid. Many of my family friends and acquaintances have already had it, several hospitalized but thankfully none of them have died.I stay home and keep to myself as much as possible. It's serious stuff-no joke.

  2. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Anti-maskers: In the movie, Forrest Gump, the main character was asked several times if he was stupid. Forrest Gump replied “Stupid is as stupid does”, meaning that a person should be judged by his actions, not his appearance.
