Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Governor Parson tests positive for COVID-19

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Today, Governor Mike Parson and First Lady Teresa Parson tested positive for COVID-19. Out of an abundance of caution, the First Lady was tested this morning after displaying minor symptoms. 

The Governor was then tested as well and received a positive result.

All official and campaign events have been canceled until further notice. As a precautionary measure, the Governor's staff has been tested and is awaiting results. 

At this time, the Governor feels healthy and is displaying no symptoms, and the First Lady has mild symptoms. Proper safety protocols have been implemented at the direction of Dr. Randall Williams, Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services.

During this time, Governor Parson continues to conduct and fulfill all roles of businesses of the state of Missouri from the Governor's Mansion without interruption.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM


  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Will he take it serious now?

  3. Gomert Pile2:47 PM

    Well surprise surprise surprise

  4. Rick Perry2:56 PM

    I can't.



  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Will he take it serious now??

  6. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Hope he ends up like the 200,000 Americans.

  7. What in the hell is the matter with you people? I don't care how misguided his policies on COVID-19 have been. I hope he and his wife recover quickly and that he rethinks those policies, though I am not expecting any changes on that front.

    1. Does this reaction really surprise you Randy? The hatred from the left of everyone who doesn't share their beliefs has been seriously ramped up in the last few years. When politics is your religion and you become radicalized by virtually every media outlet, combined with the relative anonymity of the internet you get this type of hateful display.

      I'm a conservative, not super religious, but I am a believer. I disagreed with nearly every Democrat policy of the last 25 years, but I have never wished for the death nor harm of anyone who espoused those ideas. It's sickening.

    2. Anonymous3:00 AM

      You don't have to be radicalized by the media to feel enraged at Parson for how he has failed the state of Missouri. He's a partisan buffoon with blood on his hands. That said, I personally am not hoping for his death. However it's more than fair to meet this news with the same apathy he's demonstrated toward the people of Missouri and say I don't care if he dies.

  8. Anonymous6:49 PM

    It is hard to imagine how something like this could happen!

  9. Anonymous10:25 PM

    "St. Louis Sheriff Vernon Betts said he and two top aides met Friday with Parson, Parson’s wife and staffers at the Wainwright building in downtown St. Louis. Betts and his staff members wore masks; neither Parson nor any of his staffers wore them but they all practiced social distancing during the meeting, which was to discuss freeing up funding for getting city deputies POST commission certified."

  10. Anonymous8:17 AM

    The possible asymptomatic spreader is in the Governor's Mansion?

  11. Anonymous9:25 AM

    It's neat how Brian up there immediately blamed 'the left'. When just as many on 'the right' have been brainwashed into hating anyone that doesn't fall in line with Fuhrer Trump.

    There is no hatred here, I have no concern for Governor Parson either way. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  12. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Randy, I’ll tell you what the hell is wrong. I’m sick and tired of the death count going up daily. It reminds of seeing the death count on the evening news during the Vietnam war. All the needless dying. Regardless of party, politicians are in a position of power, authority. They have a responsibility to lead, set an example. Sure, there are those who won’t follow. But, there are those that will. When our leaders don’t follow the guidelines and advice given by the experts, when they essentially snub their noses at it, live, or die, from the consequences.

    I don’t see how we’re ever going to get out of this mess if those in leadership positions don’t step up and lead.

  13. I am in total agreement about the weak leadership and the fact that they have not lived up to their responsibilities, but there is no place for wishing for people to die or for wishing for them to come down with COVID-19 and thinking that is a good thing. We have to be better than that.

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Nope, I’m not better than that . The stakes are to high. Pretty much anyone over 65 is at higher risk of bad outcome. Dying in the hospital alone on a ventilator isn’t a pretty death. From what I’ve read, people that do manage to make it off the ventilator continue to have problems, poor quality of life. I’m sick of hiding out at home unless I have to go to store. I hope the people that refuse to wear a mask catch it.
