Sunday, September 27, 2020

Video of Jasper County official's son, 16, a Carthage High School senior, drinking and singing racist song goes viral

A video featuring a 16-year-old Carthage High School student singing a racist song at the top of his lungs and drinking alcohol at an Avilla bar has gone viral on Facebook this morning.

The video features the youth, who is the son of an elected Jasper County official, singing a version of Alabama's Song of the South with which he was obviously well acquainted.

In the 25-second video, in place of the lyrics of the Alabama song, which read "sweet potato pie and shut my mouth," the teen substituted the words "ain't no n-----s coming back again," and in place of the portion that reads "gone with the wind, there ain't nobody coming back again," he substituted the words "gone with the wind, there ain't no n-----s coming back again."

Apparently, the teen's version of the song was popular in the crowded establishment, since those around him seemed to be enjoying his rendition.

The teen apologized for his performance about an hour ago in comments to a posting of the video that was circulating throughout Carthage and the surrounding community.

I’m sorry for what I said and it’s not who I really am. I’m sorry for saying things like that.

By that time, the reaction was already overwhelmingly negative and people did not readily accept the apology.

Among the comments:

you were sure having a good time singing it though!!

you’re disgusting and I can’t wait for them to post the video of whipping your ass.

are you happy that your little song went viral

Nah, you're sorry you got exposed

It's easy to be sorry when you're caught.

you’re only apologizing because you see everyone who’s sharing it and realizing who you really are

Also you are addressing “sorry to everyone’s feelings” it’s not a feeling thing. It’s morally wrong to say that word. It’s not emotional it’s a moral thing. Which in most cases you get when you are raised right.
How can you live in carthage and be like this half the students are Mexicans! I grew up in Carthage and it’s a great little town then you got f-----g s--t head like this who ruins that rep for that town.

The situation promises to be a thorny one at a Carthage High School that has a student body that not only includes African-Americans, but also Hispanics and Vietnamese students.

The video should also create some problems for Bernie's Route 66 Bar and Grill, since the teen was underage and it is unlikely he went in there by himself and it is a cinch the establishment did not allow him to bring his own bottle.


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "That's not who I am." BS! You sang it. It's you.

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Here it is, un print and viral.

    Let's see how Daddy and Mommy get you out of this along with the bar.

    This is what you call WHITE PRIVILEGE!!

  3. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I am utterly disgusted. I sure hope his parents arent this way. What a sad life he must have to say things like that.

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    This here is what tRUMP deplorables do for fun.

    Until they are caught.

    Then they usually are not really and truly sorry for what they are and what they have done, just sorry there are consequences for what they have been caught doing.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Divisive thinking like this is problematic. This doesn't represent all Trump supporters, obviously. I know plenty of Trump supporters that are not racist at all. You can't judge an entire group for the actions of a few, whether it is Trump supporter or BLM

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I know people like that myself. It's great that they are apparently not racist, yes, but ultimately it's just a neutral position that doesn't check the antagonistic, openly racist actions of the true deplorables. And like it or not, they are associated with those people and share common goals. You can be a non-racist and support Trump, but I don't think an anti-racist can align with Trump and his supporters anymore.

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What he did was wrong but to make it about trump makes some of you racist

    1. Well, Richard Spencer and BLM both endorsed Biden, so there's your answer.

    2. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Open, Brian missed a word reading the question. Maybe Brian should read it AGAIN

    3. I understood the question. The answer stands.

  6. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Sounds like to me daddy Bartosh needs to give his boy a good ass whooping and teach him Morals and respect and stop allowing his kids do whatever they want and just having everything handed to him. That's what's wrong with these kids now days.

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Must be nice to have all the money in the world to get a slap on the wrist because of that kids daddy!

  8. Hyacinth2:46 PM

    The dumb a** shouldn't have added the racist word. He could have just sang the great song from Alabama the way it was written. This says a lot about this kid and maybe even his family.

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    >>>He could have just sang the great song from Alabama the way it was written.<<<

    This young man could have done the song like Alabama did it, but Alabama didn't do the song the way it was originally written.

    That is because Alabama didn't do the song the way Bob McDill wrote it.

    Interestingly enough, Alabama was the fourth noteworthy act to record the song. Bobby Bare, an artist known for recording cuts by "Song of the South" writer Bob McDill, recorded it first for his 1980 album Drunk & Crazy. A year later, "Act Naturally" songwriter Johnny Russell reached No. 57 on the country charts--Its highest placement before becoming one of Alabama's all-time greatest hits. The third and final pre-Alabama version teams Tom T. Hall with Earl Scruggs and appears on the 1982 album Storyteller and The Banjo Man.

    Notice that the three versions that predate Alabama's include an extra verse about a farming family's struggles that ends with "Mama she was old at 35."

    In a 2008 feature by CMT, McDill said he didn't mind Alabama skipping a verse because "I was very pliable" and he assumed the omitted verse was "too brutal" for an Alabama hit.

  10. Anonymous3:48 PM

    He likely learned this racist tripe at home. Perhaps voters should recall this little incident the next time daddy runs for re-election.

  11. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Oh come on. The kid is just a product of southwest Missouri and southwest Missouri is racist as hell.

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM

      Yes and Trump has emboldened the racists, leading to a clear rise in incidents like this,as well as brutally violent attacks on minorities. Trump has got to go so these types are forced back into hiding.
