Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Greitens continuing comeback: Police is line of protection between you, your family and the leftist mob

In an era where just about anybody can rise to the top in Republican politics, disgraced former governor Eric Greitens appears ready to see if lightning can strike twice.

Greitens has been seen (and heard) more in public recently, offering his opinions on issues whether anyone wants them or not.

In this video, posted on YouTube under the label "Actionable Intelligence," Greitens, who ironically was on the verge of getting kicked out of office as a result of actionable intelligence that was gathered against him, launches an attack at rioters, claiming the police "is the line of protection between you, your family and the leftist mob."

Naturally, Greitens takes shots at the media, referring to reporters (the same reporters who uncovered much of his scandal) as "yellow journalists."

The former governor works his Navy Seal experience and his experience as a humanitarian into the video.

A comeback of some sort is definitely in the works.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I will vote for him

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Bout par for disgraced republicans, much like Matt Blunt and his less that 3rd man on totem pole for McConnell. All we see of him is his standing in back like a "what, someone needs someone, anyone to stand back here and look like they care" look on his face, clueless. We have to almost chuckle, too bad it is more serious than that, as if it is a sad case of circus sideshow. But, yeah, the idiots in US and Missouri will re-elect him to do or be someone. It would be good time for Navy Seals to distant themselves from this pitiful excuse of military honor.

  3. Puke,he embarrassed the State

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Greitens not afraid to keep crapping it up!

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    And from him apparently

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    The Repube party is becoming known as the law and disorder party, so this retreading of Greitens could git-r-dun for a lot of the deplorable voters that abound in Missouri.

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Greitens, don't you have someone to tie up and take pictures of or something? Another corrupt, perverted, right wing liar. Fits perfectly in the Trumpublican party.

    No, we haven't forgotten.
