Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Ash Grove Republican on COVID-19: Some die, most recover, some may not even have symptoms (Is it worth losing our freedom?)


(From Rep. Mike Moon, R-Ash Grove)

In the Missouri General Assembly, rules are often “set aside” in order to rush a bill through the legislative process. While ignoring rules might seem acceptable for the House or Senate, can a Governor (legally) ignore statutes (laws) or the constitution (state or federal)? 

How about local authorities, such as County Commissioners or County Health Departments? When, if ever, is it acceptable to ignore the law in order to appease the “court of public opinion?”

Today, Americans are concerned about the coronavirus. In fact, some are downright fearful! Many are looking to government officials for protection from the virus. And, because the government cannot fulfill their desires, some (perhaps, many) are casting blame at one another. 

For example, many (apparently) believe that a mask will protect themselves from the virus (and/or eliminate the chance of another spreading the virus, if they indeed are infected).

To be fair, if a person is ill, by all means, that person should take necessary precautions to avoid infecting others. Another fair point: our bodies’ innate and adaptive immune system protects us from illness and disease (provided we properly care for our bodies). 

With the coronavirus, each person may react differently to the virus based upon the health of the person and their immune system’s ability to fight the virus.

The bottom line: people will become sick and some will die. (A book I’ve read numerous times states that each and every human will die… at some point. This is not a flippant remark. It is a hard fact.)

To that point, the coronavirus has a death rate of less than 1%. Although some will die, most will recover. Some may not even have symptoms.

Should we submit to tracking for the good of the whole?

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the privacy of American citizens from warrant-less surveillance. Must we simply bend over and allow officials to track our travel because we are suspected to have come in contact with someone who is alleged to have COVID-19?

Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear, ordered all Kentucky residents to stay at home in order to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Jefferson County Judge, Angela Bisig, followed the order with an order of her own: stay home or wear an electronic ankle bracelet.

Is this acceptable? Did the Governor of Kentucky and the County Judge “set aside” the law (specifically, the Fourth Amendment) in order to “protect” residents from an illness?

Missouri's own, Sam Page, St. Louis County Executive, has issued "orders" of his own.

Where, in the U.S. Constitution, does it state that the law is to be observed unless a virus is spreading across the state or country?

Are we truly free?

The last phrase of the “Star Spangled Banner” reads, “… the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Is it (the land of the free)? Are we (truly brave)? This question has been asked more than once. Recently, the question was posed at a rally attended by a large group of folks. It was met with a resounding, “YES!”

Have you been fishing lately? (Unless you are fortunate enough to own or have access to a pond, you likely purchased a government required fishing license.)

Do you hunt? (Even if you own land on which you can hunt, you must obtain and carry with you when hunting, a government issued license.)

Are you a business owner? (You must obtain a government issued license to operate the business.)

Are you a farmer or rancher? (Consider all the government approved regulations you must abide by in order to operate your farm.)

Do you drive an over-the-road truck? (Cast your common sense out the proverbial window. The Electronic Logging Device’s Hours of Service requirement removes from most drivers the ability to adjust the workday in order to deliver the load to it’s destination without running out of time.)

Some may argue that the aforementioned issues are necessary. While there will be considerable disagreement on that point, let’s get back to the central issue: Government mandates (during the COVID-19 “pandemic”).

What’s at stake?

Much like the Pilgrims who settled in America long ago, many Americans today only wish to be left alone (so we can live and prosper, worship our God, and, as the Missouri Constitution states… “enjoy(ment) of the gains of their own industry and opportunity under the law.”

To put is plainly, we want to be able to:
go to church;
go to work;
go to school;
have friends in our home;
leave our home;
attend a wedding;
attend a funeral;
visit our friends and family in the nursing home;
celebrate Thanksgiving and the birth of Jesus.

So, consider what the Missouri House recently passed (in the current special session). HB (House Bill) 14 is a supplemental budget bill intended to appropriate funds to various Missouri agencies. While there are several concerns with the overall bill, let’s turn our focus to page 4, line 9. Money is to be appropriated for “tracing” (for those from Loma Linda, that’s contact tracing – tracking our movements, determining who we’ve seen, where we shop, et cetera). 

The amount to be set aside: $140,944,199 (that’s nearly $141 million) to be spent on items which violate our rights protected by the Fourth Amendment (U..S. Constitution) and Article I, section 15 (Missouri Constitution).

Now, here’s an irony (if not the irony): The oath of office (found in the Missouri Constitution, Article III, section 15, which has been mentioned (on several occasions) by at least one Missouri House member states, “I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Missouri….”



  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The anti-maskers never talk about the rights of the group and of society in general to be protected.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    All freedom and no responsibility from this crowd.

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Let's not buckle up, wear a helmet on a motorcycle, require car liability insurance, or heck - even have a speed limit. Where does this freedom grab end?

  4. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Who elects these people? Land of the free is not one of do what you please and to He** with everyone else and their rights. Stupid is that stupid does which means "Republican"

  5. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Russian Roulette: A few die, some get shot, many may never be injured. (How lucky do you and your loved ones and everyone else negatively impacted feel today? Never forget that your lives could be be devastated by unnecessary death and injury caused by criminal stupidity and a homicidal indifference to other members of society. Also, why does society sometimes prosecute the survivors of Russian Roulette when it ends badly for one of the participants? Is it worth losing our freedom?)

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What precautions are you and family taking and what is your opinion when one of them gets sick or die. This goes beyond stupid utter nesses about peoples actions and someone dying because of your high horse preaching. This defies definition of intelligence gone screwball.
