Thursday, November 19, 2020

Joplin City Council passes mask ordinance by a 6-3 margin: Shaw says "no" vote was for God and the people of Joplin

The Joplin City Council adopted a mask ordinance moments ago by a 6-3 vote.

The ones voting in favor of the mask ordinance were Mayor Ryan Stanley, Mayor Pro Tem Keenan Cortez, and council members Christina Williams, Anthony Monteleone, Diane Reid Adams and Chuck Copple.

Stanley and Copple changed their votes from the 5-4 vote against extending the ordinance at the August 17 meeting.

Voting against the mask ordinance were council members Gary Shaw, Doug Lawson and Phil Stinnett.

Stanley said, "I'm not trying to force something," but noted his vote was based on the effectiveness of masks and the large number of COVID-19 patients at Joplin hospitals.

Shaw indicated he planned to vote against the measure because he was representing "God and the people of Joplin."

He read from a message he received from a constituent who thought the mask ordinance would not work because the people who don't want to wear masks are not going to wear masks. Shaw indicated he agreed with that viewpoint, noting that people do not want to lose their freedoms.

Shaw said it was the same with speed limits. If people don't want to follow the speed limits "they don't do that either."

The former mayor did not say how God and the people of Joplin felt about speed limits.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    And you break the speed limit, you get a ticket. Too many tickets, you go to jail. Not seeing your point there Gary.

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    So, Rev. Shaw, since god created the virus, attempting to limit its spread would be subverting gods will? Sort of like building rafts during those 40 days? I just assumed it had something to do with filling the collection plates at Central Christian. Thanks for clearing that up.
    I'd like to invite you out to the full ICU at Mercy to explain to the families of those choking to death how theyre being blessed. May his blessings be upon you too.

  3. What an assclown... Aren't we supposed to keep mythological beings like "god" out of government? If he's all powerful and actually cares, he can fix it, or at the very least speak for himself...
