Saturday, November 14, 2020

Missouri's GOP Congressional Delegation refuses to acknowledge Biden victory- here's what they said

Not one Republican elected official has accepted former Vice President Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election.

While one, Second District Congresswoman Ann Wagner, has not made any statement, every other member of the state's GOP delegation has acted like there is still a chance that somehow President Trump will emerge triumphant.

As you might expect, both of the state's Democratic Congressmen, Lacy Clay and Emanuel Cleaver, have acknowledged Biden's win and offered congratulations to the president-elect and vice president-elect Kamala Harris.

Here, courtesy of Snopes, which collected the statements, is what Missouri's Republicans said:

Sen. Roy Blunt, R. Nov. 8. “The media can project but the media doesn’t get to decide who the winner is. This is a very close election and there’s a process here that we need to go through…”

Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo. 6. Nov. 9. “The American people decide elections, not the media. Our courts interpret the law, not the media. The states allocate electoral votes, not the media.”

Rep. Vicky Hartzler,
R-Mo. 4. Nov. 6. “I agree with President Trump about keeping our elections transparent and secure.”

Sen. Josh Hawley
, R. Nov. 7. “The media do not get to determine who the president is. The people do. When all lawful votes have been counted, recounts finished, and allegations of fraud addressed, we will know who the winner is.”

Rep. Billy Long,
R-Mo. 7. Nov. 6. “Every LEGAL vote should be counted; every illegal vote should not. The American people deserve transparency and a fair election process. I stand with President @realDonaldTrump in his efforts to ensure that happens.”

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo. 3. Nov. 6. “For four years, we were told our election security was so weak that Russia was able to manipulate the American People and steal the 2016 election for President Trump. Now, the same people who peddled that lie are telling us that any error is impossible. You can’t have it both ways. President Trump is well within his rights to make every effort possible to protect legally cast votes and ensure our democratic process is not diluted or cheapened. Laws must be followed and every legal vote must count.”

Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo. 8. Nov. 6. “The alleged incidents of election fraud that have occurred over the past week are deeply concerning. These are not insignificant allegations… This election is not over — every legal vote must be counted.”


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The derp runs deep with these deplorables!

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    They held a sore-loser super-spreader party today at 7th & Rangeline.

  3. Every illegal vote cast cancels out a legal one. Yours, mine... I take this seriously. Everyone else should too, no matter which side you are on.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    WOW ! Snopes as a source? Journalism at its best! CNN and the New York Times would be proud!

  5. Not that I want to take anything away from your fleeting moment of triumph, but if you took the time to look at the post, Snopes provided links to every statement, so Snopes, put it together, and I used and credited their compilation, but the actual sources are the politicians themselves.

    That is good journalism.

    I certainly hope that doesn't diminish your moment in the spotlight.

  6. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Republicans lost, but worse yet is the Missouri voters who voted for these individuals. They are perfect examples of people living in a alternate reality of only they matter and all else is mere things to climb up and make money while their citizens burn. Saddest thing to see that these people garner votes from hard working, but without a sense of what reality exists, people. Sad commentary on our neighbors who do not study or look at what is really important in our lives, health and concern for others.
